[@Raineh Daze][@VitaVitaAR] My bad on the ordering of personal skills, it might have cause some confusion~ But my reasoning is that Instinct at B-rank is capable of reducing visual impairment by half and then when combined with the double bonus modifiers, I would believe that he would be able to pierce through the Mist combined with Clairvoyance with also a modifier. After his initial round of combat is over, Instincts would drop back down without any bonuses (cause reasons) which would make the fog more effective in its intended use and Archer would have to guess where Assassin would be using shadows and other signs of her presence in the fog if he chooses to continue. But if that doesn't add up, then I could change the post to being more of 'warning' shots to scare Assassin away. Just seemed more appropriate for Archer to do something like that and gather favor from Saber whose wounded and maybe Mira. So either way, send me a word and I'll get an edit through if needed.