*army crawls in* I am sorry this took me so long to post omg XD Life has been kicking my butt this week *sobs* xD Anyway, I wasn't 100% sure where you were going with the affiliation of the bodies, but I kinda thought that if Manus' end goal is to establish a Force user empire, it sort of made sense for him to want to kidnap any potential strong Force users (or indeed, replacement cannon fodder if we wanna get a bit macabre? haha) to "turn" them to his cause rather than just killing them...but the Hutt muscle on the other hand who are only useful for helping him to trap and capture said Force users are pretty disposable, thus they killed them so they couldn't squeal to the Qyaari about his plans? ^^ If that is waaaaaaaaayyy too off from what you had in mind, of course let me know and I can squeak an edit in there to change some of the bodies to Manus' missing kids ;) Also wasn't sure where you wanted to go with the Faceless attacking, i.e. how soon you wanted that to be, so I kinda tried to vaguely ellude to it if you wanted to do that at some point, but if not it could always be some other anomaly that Viqi has spotted x'D