With a grin on her face a small girl wearing strange armor that shows her belly button. However a fine line at the center of her abdomen runs height wise along it indicating she has some sort of augmentation there. Attached to her armor is what seems like a rigid piece that has an extending and angling system to act as a bracer should she need it. Atop her head are what look like peaked metal devices only a few inches in size and designed to be interface antenna for her drones to give her better control over them. She lets the bracer raise and rest along her back as she makes her way into the briefing room after having gotten her bunk assignment, she has heard stories about the captain and she didn't want to be thrown off the ship. Her armor was meant for reminiscence and not for front line combat and judging from wear her armor didn't cover one could guess she could out maneuver most soldiers but her records would show she knows nothing about hand to hand combat or side arms which is something she could improve upon. As she walks past everyone her eyes seem to glow and watch them though as she gets to the briefing room her belly opens up letting out one small drone that starts to hover around her, she uses it to entertain herself while she waits.