Hello there! I've yet again found myself back on this site, and I am in the mood for a character driven slice of life role play. I'd like to start a role play where the relationships are really deep from the beginning so that the story can be progressed and deepened quicker. I have a few ideas that I have liked before. [u][b]Friends in the city[/b][/u] (Sandbox) So this RP would center around a group of friends that live in a city and the bar they frequent and their relationships. You know we could let it go anywhere and have them do whatever. This would be a great opportunity to deepen the relationships between our characters and get a tight knit group together. [b][u]Best trip ever![/u][/b] A role play about (again) a group of friends going an a trip abroad together. Also a fun way to explore the relationships between our characters and have them explore a new terrain together. Also this can be good way to start some drama having something happen overseas and seeing how our characters react to that. [u][b]Family Summer[/b][/u] This is a role play that I was in a long time ago and I was really sad when it died! Basically there is 4 big families that all have summer homes in the same beach town. Their kids have spent every summer together so they all know each other in some way. We would play the roles of the kids and we could set up a scenario where we work towards something like a start of summer party at one of the richer families or something. But to diversify the rooster a bit we can have characters that are local or people who aren't part of the families! [u][b]Apocalyptic road trip[/b][/u] I've had this idea of a RP where there is a group of people who travel from point A to point B in a post apocalyptic world, not necessarily a zombie world put where they have to dodge things and keep out of the way and stay in safe houses. Think the left4dead games or the movie "The Darkest Hour". All of these would be high casual, so like at least 2 paragraphs per post. I'd rather have the pacing to be slower and have well thought out posts. Obviously these are just outlines and really rough right now but hopefully some of them sparked some interest! If someone would want to co-create anyone of these with me please feel free to PM me so we can talk and plan! Hopefully I'll hear from you soon!