As the battle Plans finished, Erebus left the Tent with his two Chosen. Disappearing as if they were never there to begin with. The War Master sent off his Chosen to rest before the coming battle. Most weren't going to join this one, but he wanted them ready if they were needed. Erebus went to his men that had just finished their living preparations for the Maw. The Holy Knights, the most inexperienced of the Battle Mages were already gathered in formation. Side to side with the War Mages. Many of them were worried and were quite open with their opinion of their battle. Only being stopped by their Lieutenant. [color=00a99d][i]Why are we even here? I thought we were to join the Empire?[/i][/color] [color=2e3192][i]You're here to die, Pup. Hope you have nothing left on your bucket list![/i][/color] [color=92278f][i]Aye, it is true. How many come back when led by the War Master?[/i][/color] [color=ec008c][i]Don't you dare speak ill of the War Master! Let see you lead the battle.[/i][/color] [color=fff200][i]I think I can fall on my sword by myself easy enough...[/i][/color] [b][color=ed1c24]"Hold to!"[/color][/b] The Lieutenant scolded as their War Master entered the Scene. The formation slammed their gauntlets to their Chest Piece, saluting their Officer. The Holy Knight's Lieutenant, Actavian was the first to drop it as Erebus offered the gesture back. Actavian stood at a attention Waiting to hear their Orders. After several long seconds of silence, Erebus talked softly to the Lieutenant. Just loud enough for only their ears. [color=f26522]"Lieutenant Actavian, ready your Knights for War. You will be the only ones accompanying me to the first Battle. You're Objective is to Heal our comrades and provide support, but you are not to engage the Enemy. Two Chosen and myself will accompany you and provide security for your Knights. By all means we are few in numbers, our biggest priority is keeping our men alive and then the allies. Heavy Infantry will take precedence, all others will be secondary. You are Dismissed..."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Your deed will be done War Master."[/color] Actavian replied as he saluted Erebus, before turning around and taking his men with him. Leaving only the Formation of War Mages. Their Lieutenant, Rolex stood patiently awaiting orders. He had received them through his mind. The instructions were simple enough. They were to remain at camp unless absolutely needed. Only and if only the War Master called for them. With both of the Groups assigned orders, Erebus left to prepare for the Battle to come. [hr] On the Battlefield the Knights were aligned and spaced out behind the main force. Erebus standing firm between the first and second line. The Coven stayed stoic, a quiet force surrounded by all the screams and cries of War. Completely ignoring their surroundings and focusing on their battle plans and their first targets for their Magical Abilities. The War Master standing like a Holy Statue looking down on their disciples before they meet their death.