Anitta looked at the dwarves and counted their numbers. Their garb told her that they were scouts, but their numbers said they were a war party. Perhaps they intend to attack a large fortification later? Their leader was certainly dressed for the part. Anitta did not know many dwarves but has heard much about them, from their skills in battle and war, to their honor and valor, as well as their immortal grudges and ability to excel in court intrigue. Anitta should not underestimate these men, though she was still willing to question them. They wanted her to evict a human who lived near the river here. These dwarves surely had the numbers to do so, but why would they need her if they couldn't do it themselves? And why all the secrecy? Does it have to do with the dwarve's war against the Order? So many questions, so many answers. [color=lightblue]"What do you know about this human? And who else but us are here?"[/color] Anitta figured that "these people" that the dwarves was referring too weren't the people at the city. They were far too deep into the forest for any screams to reach them or any patrols. Anitta was going to ask more pointed questions like "Are you going to use this place to fight against the Order" or "Why are you all even here", but Anitta doubts that the dwarves would have the patience for such personal questions. Things related to her job would likely be more willingly answered. [@PaulHaynek]