[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/U1uTVek.png[/img] [@Surtr][/center] All three attacks homed in on SMOLDR, who stood passively. As all three of the attacks hit him, they combined into one massive, ethereal blue explosion that enveloped the SYMBIOTE. Moments later, when the light and smoke cleared, SMOLDR was still standing, with relatively few scratches on his blue armor. He was holding both of his massive arms in an X shape in front of his body. They were gloring orange and humming aggressively, dying down seconds after what would have been a devastating attack. SMOLDR lowered his arms, and glared right at Justin and Seven, despite having only one eye. "YOUR ACTIONS HAVE BEEN FOUND POSITIVE TO RESISTING DETAINMENT. PSEUDO-LETHAL FORCE IS NOW ACTIVE." SMOLDR lunged towards Justin as he fell back down, his arms glowing and vibrating once more. As soon as he was within range, SMOLDR threw a fist straight towards Justin's gut. Once it made contact, the pistons built into the fist would've rammed forward, pushing a second-impact onto the cybernetic boy. Meanwhile, POCOA crept on all fours through the surrounding foliage, the only trace to it's existence being their camouflaged silhouette, watching Seven-Seven from a distance. Before the android could fire her plasma attack, POCOA let out a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-ogxxcSZhM]monstrous shriek[/url] as it lunged towards her. Just as she disabled camouflage, she swung down a clawed strike towards the girl.