[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170529/12fe209055e15bed1bd1f1f13066232a.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][@FantasyChic][@Afro Samurai][@LadyRunic][@Morose][@BlackPanther][@Nallore][/center][hr][hr] [sub]Now, hopefully we won't have anymore interruptions from a specific someone. Maybe he can go bug people somewhere else for once[/sub] [color=orange][i][b]Damon Fawkes[/b][/i][/color] and [color=6ecff6][i][b]Cassandra Reed [/b][/i][/color] Beast groans slightly as Cassandra tries to move him. He manages to open his eyes and see the two of them, before they roll back and close again. He needs medical attention, very quickly, otherwise he might not last much longer. Both of you know of two different ways you can get away from the plant with Beast to get help. Either the Blackbird, but neither of you would know really how to fly it. There is also the option of taking the car that is parked out front that Damon and Wolverine used to get there. Or you could possibly hope that the Blackbird has sufficient medical supplies in its first aid kit to at least stabilize him without someone having to leave. [color=FireBrick][i][b]Oshea Jackson[/b][/i][/color] Quicksilver laughs at Oshea, grinning at him. [color=7ea7d8]"You thought you could keep up with me didn't ya? Well, clearly you were wrong",[/color] he said with a grin, and put a lot of speed in his one foot, landing hard on Oshea's right leg. With a loud crack, a sound that could only be Oshea's leg snapping in half. The bone was sticking out through his skin. [color=7ea7d8]"Looks like you ain't getting up for a while,"[/color] he said with a laugh, and ran off again, leaving Oshea on the ground. [color=ForestGreen][i][b]Ayita Dyrkin[/b][/i][/color] Scarlet Witch gives off a small laugh, then continues to hurl large crates at Ayita. She doesn't seem to really appreciate the barking of the wolf, even if she is injured. Several of them miss her, but one manages to just clip Ayita in the head with a corner. A small cut starts bleeding above her right eye. Nothing too serious though, looks like the Witch is just trying to shut her up now. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=007236]Marygold Isley[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/77b569e61e74d63aa6b1ff3d199dfd35/tumblr_mzlqjj6sUG1r0t3aeo4_r1_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=007236]"Alright alright already! She's inside the building right now, though I have no idea what she is doing at the moment,"[/color] she said, when she heard Allison shout out. The light above her was falling, and she immediately raised her hands to brace for impact, but it never came. Looking up, she saw the light was floating, and Allison was freaking out. [color=007236]"Calm down Allison. Just my luck, this had to happen now when I'm dealing with him. Look Allison, this might actually be a blessing in disguise. Your powers are evolving, honestly I would have thought they mentioned this back at the Institute. Look, just lower the light to the ground, and follow me inside. Mr. Stark, you can tag along if you want. Guin is doing something, and hopefully not something that'll make the plant explode".[/color] She went in through the window, hoping that Allison was able to lower the light and follow her. Stark was following her, so at least she could deal with that right away. Inside, Scarlet Witch was pounding on Ayita, but she couldn't really see Starkette anywhere. She only knew where she had been. [color=007236]"Sorry Stark, I don't see her anymore, but knowing her, Guin probably went to go mess with the consoles at the front. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to see about helping Ayita,"[/color] she said as she started rushing over to Ayita and Scarlet Witch. [i][b][color=#cc33ff]Starkette[/color][/b][/i] Fun times, she is having problems finding electrical tape. A gust of wind comes rushing from the front of the building, and she can hear something, or someone nearby. Suddenly, Quicksilver is there, his [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXsmGSnq3lE]tape player[/url] is blaring so she can hear the music blasting from it. He is holding the tape she needs in his hand. [color=7ea7d8]"Looking for this?"[/color] he asks with a grin, holding it in his hand.