"Cydric!" Camilla screamed as she saw her lover vanish into the night black waters of the river. He had been trying to shout something to her but it was impossible to hear over the tumult. Fortunately it seemed that Renier had a better idea of what to do. The mercenary seemed to throw a handful of something at the rampaging troll and a heartbeat later it flashed into ugly yellow flame. The flame caught onto the oil covering the thing and a second later the oil flamed to light, illuminating the deck of the ship in a wan light. The troll bellowed in pain and Reiner threw himself to the ground. Camilla frowned in confusion at the action as she rushed down the gangway towards the beast. Roaring in fury and agony the thing staggered back several feet and then with a whopping concussion something in its back seemed to explode. Showering the deck with blob of sizzling flesh. The thing staggered back several paces, clawing feebly at the anvil sized hole in its back and then fell into the water in a gyeser of spray. Camilla rushed to the shattered railing, eyes scanning for any sign of Cydric, even as Reiner drunkenly tried to stand, shaking his head as though to clear it. [@POOHEAD189]