r a w c s s k e l e t o n :: [noparse] [center] (picture here, delete everything in parentheses and replace it with the actual stuff when you make your character, btw) [.hr] (TAKE OUT DA DOTS ON THESE HR LINES, TOO) [b]n a m e :: [/b] (include given name, street name, nickname, old callsign, etc. make it header3 size, too) [b]d a t e & p l a c e o f b i r t h :: [/b] (this answers the where? and when? of your character’s origin) [b]a p p e a r a n c e :: [/b] (write what your picture doesn’t show. this can be as long or as short as you want. i won’t require you to state your character’s fashion sense, you can show that IC, but if your image is monochrome, what color is your characters hair? what is their weight, height? briefly mention what cybernetics are visible at a cursory glance, etc.) [b]g e n d e r :: [/b] (this should be obvious) [b]o c c u p a t i o n :: [/b] (obviously your character’s job over the course of the roleplay will be their work for biotechnica, but what did they do before that point? it’s a big world out there, but try to find a job that would make sense given the nature of the scenario. often, the kinds of people hired by companies for jobs like this would be people with combat experience, technical know-how (robotics, netrunning, driving/flying), connections, medical ability, charisma, or whatever else might be useful. feel free to break or take from these archetypes as you please, as you are no way bound to having your character solely encapsulated by their ability to “shoot good”.) [b]s k i l l s :: [/b] (this can be used to specify your character concentration within their occupation, or connect to something that they do outside of their normal life. these skills can be as fantastical or as mundane as you wish, but i ask that you don’t get too overzealous. i also encourage you to check out how your character’s ability might mesh and complement someone else’s) [b]c y b e r n e t i c s ::[/b] (the real meat and potatoes of the genre. i don’t require you to have any special naming conventions regarding cyberware, or even try to keep some sort of continuity with cyberware from the cyberpunk 2020 universe or wherever. you can be as detailed as you please. cybernetics is a vast and expansive market. your can have neuralware made by apple while also sporting a bionic arm made by a start-up in russia. go wild [to a point] in the nature and names of your cybernetics: your imagination will help build up a little piece of this cyberpunk world. with that being said, don’t get too rowdy with the amount of cybernetics your character has. cyberpsychosis is a big problem in the cybernetics market. i’ll allow you to use your own discretion when creating a character. whether or not they have cyberpsychosis or are suffering from its symptoms is up to you [unless i strongly disagree with your judgement, in which case, i’ll tell you]) [b]h i s t o r y :: [/b] (who was your character? did they have family troubles? what was their childhood like? who did they meet? did they go to school? did they strike it rich or did they bite off more than they can chew? did they cross someone? do they have a family? you get the point. go wild.) [/center] [.hr] [.hr] [u]BIOTECHNICA S.A. REGISTRANT PERSONALITY QUIZ[/u] [i]This quiz is a way for your employer to better understand who YOU are! Your candor is important and required, as lying on this document can warrant you a $5,000 fine and 2 to 24 months in prison![/i] (this is meant to be a partially tangent section of the CS regarding your character’s personality. you can answer it in any way you wish. you can complete it in third person, first person, etc. you can have your character strike through all the questions of this questionnaire and write “this is dumb” on the bottom in big bold lettering. do as you please, but keep this in mind: show, don’t tell) [b]Favorite food:[/b] (What food do you like to eat?) [b]Least favorite food:[/b] (What food [i]don’t[/i] you like to eat?) [b]Use three words to describe yourself:[/b] (Pretty simple!) [b]Likes:[/b] (What do you like? Do you have hobbies? Is there anything or anyone that is [i]extra[/i] special to you?) [b]Dislikes:[/b] (What things don’t you like? I hope you’re not a Negative Nancy™, but We All Hate Mondays!™, am I right?) [b]Values:[/b] (What means alot to you? Your religion? Your convictions? Your family?) [b]Strengths:[/b] (What are you good at? What do people like about you?) [b]Flaws:[/b] (Maybe you are a Negative Nancy™, but hey, at least you’re honest! Or maybe you have crippling cyberpsychosis and you need regular medication and check-ups or else you show signs of severe paranoid schizophrenia! Maybe that cyberpsychosis isn’t that bad. Your urge to send that crossing guard flying at dozens of meters per second may only come around after she makes you late to work, rather than every time you see her.) [b]Anything else:[/b] (Don’t be shy! We have you medical records and personal history, so we would know if you left anything out that you shouldn’t have!) [.hr] [/noparse]