Camilla dropped her weaponsbelt to the deck with a quick twist of her wrist and then made a long running dive of the rear of the shift. She thrust her arms out infront of her, hands clasped, and speared smoothly into the water with hardly a ripple. Her long legs were already kicking as she broke the surface and started kicking out towards Cydric. The current was slow but strong and she only just managed to reach him before he went under. Unfortunately she hadn't counted on the fact that Cydric out weighed her by a significant amount and it took all her strength just to keep him above the water. For a terrifying moment she was convinced that she wasn't going to be able to manage it and they would both go to the bottom of the river, but as she struggled with his weapons belt her hand brushed against the hilt of his wolf pommeled sword. A suprising warmth seemed to flow from it, even in the cold of the river water, and suddenly they broke the surface and she dragged the struggling Cydric towards the shore. By the time they splashed onto the sandy bank the ship was out of sight, having been carried away by the current and confusion. Camilla sank to the sand in exhaustion. [b] "You certainly know how to show a girl a good time."[/b] [@POOHEAD189]