Cyrdic hacked a very wet, unappealing cough as they broke the surface. It was lucky Camilla's legs were so strong. Even being very close to the shoreline, Cyrdic was a heavy burden. He had almost stopped struggling what's more, making him dead weight for much of the swim until the very end where he hauled himself up on the beach. Sputtering still, the lack of oxygen caused his head to swim and his muscles to buzz from the lack of blood flow. He gasped and wheezed, shuddering for moments as his vision and wits came back. Only then did he fully grasp it had been Camilla that had saved his life. He shouldn't have been surprised, he knew. "How else was I going to get you alone?" he joked, voice and body still weak, though growing stronger with the passing seconds. He cleared his throat, and pushed himself up from the soaked dirt of the shore. He shook his head, guilt washing over him like the waves had. "Sorry... I should hav-" He let the thought pass, knowing it would only sound foolish. "Thanks," he breathed, smiling. With that, he got off his knees and onto his feet, extending her a hand to help her up. Beside them, the forest was only lightly wooded, but still a stark, looming presence of darkness compared to the open river in full moonlight. [@Penny]