[center] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/YHEJh1KaTc5S8/giphy.gif[/img] [h2][color=orange]Damon Fawkes[/color][/h2] location: Hanson Power Plant With: Beast and Cassandra Reed Tattoo count: 2 wolves 1 spider [/center] [hr] Damon took the groan and the eyes rolling back as beast needing medical attention even more urgently. He paused before looking at Cassandra. His raised brow show that he clearly did not fully believe her, but beast was not doing very well at all, so he heaved beast up. The guy was a hefty one, but with two people they could slowly make their way to that blackbird. He gave a soft whistle which caused the wolves to position themselves protectively. One was closer to them and the other went slightly further out, clearly as more of a scout or first line of attack while the other one was more defensive. Before he even started to take a step, the wolf closer to them tilted its head and let out a soft woof sound. Damon blinked and heard the sounds of a distressed wolf which was clearly distressing [i]his[/i] wolf. The wolf seemed to plant his paws and stare Damon down clearly it was not going anywhere until Damon did something. Damon rolled his eyes before pulling off his glove with his teeth to expose the spider tattoo on his hand. The spider crawled out of his skin and looked up at damon. [color=orange]"Go help Ayita. Do what you can."[/color] The spider raised its front legs before hopping down and skittering toward the sound. Satisfied the wolf turned and Damon started moving...part of him wondering why he couldn't fully control the ink beasts and how damn convenient it would be if he could...but no they had free will. [center] [img]http://cdn.arn.com.au/media/7602557/funnel-web.gif?width=480&height=270[/img] [/center] The deep russet colored spider with black tribal swirls ran its way toward the sound of the distressed wolf. Its legs carried it quickly to its destination and it was just small enough to run right in. It spotted the wolf and raised its front legs before waving them in what appeared to be delight. Clearly the creature liked this being and upon seeing a crate thrown at the wolf seem incredibly distressed. The spider's front legs hit the floor a few times. This simply wouldn't do. It had to help! Its body tilted sideways before it skittered its way to the wolf and ran up her leg to launch itself off of her snout like a diving board. Apparently the hand sized funnel spider shaped creature intended to land on the evil woman's face. Its fangs very visible along with the long face grabbing appendages. It apparently wanted to distract the bad person long enough for the good wolf to attack. It seemed to also be hissing as it flew through the air toward the face with its fangs twitching.