[hider=Isa Rune][img] https://i.imgur.com/DUy9isw.png [/img] [b]Full Name: [/b] Oren Dariya Kovalenko [b] Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] [b] Age:[/b] 22 [b] Gender:[/b] Female [b] Rune/Location:[/b] Isa - Between her shoulder blades. [b]Rune Powers:[/b] Control and manifestation of ice. Ability to drop body temperature to extreme lows and survive in extremely low temperatures. [b]Description:[/b] Oren stands at about 5'7, an angular-looking woman with long, blue-black hair, grey eyes. She has high, noticeable cheekbones and a naturally pale complexion. She often wears black fingerless gloves, a long-sleeved top, coat and scarf even when indoors. She often dons black eyeliner but otherwise doesn't seem to worry too much about make-up. [b]Personality:[/b] Ice. Cold. Static. Unyielding. Oren is, perhaps not the easiest person to get along with. She has had little opportunity in her life to make friends and develop socially with other people, and her experiences have given her a considerable level of drive to tackle world-eater creatures. As such she can come across as rather disinterested in other things. This is also combined with a general lack of concern for the feelings of others that often makes her rather insensitive. Indeed her general lack of emotion can sometimes unnerve people. She has absolutely no problem with dismissing people's opinions or insulting people, as she tends to have he mind on tasks at hand rather than necessarily anyone else's immediate wellbeing. In addition she's gotten rather used to being the only active rune around the organization...and whilst she's quite focused she's also not necessarily used Isa fairly or compassionately. She is not above freezing people's car keys in ice for infractions against her or her property. [b] Skills[/b]: -Very high IQ and eidetic memory mean Oren has a great mind for facts and calculations. This is something she factors into how she works. -Having possessed Isa for nearly five years, Oren had pretty unrivalled control and finesse with her ability. She has learned to use it adaptively and in a broad swathe of situations. She is able to work in complete harmony with the rune most of the time. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Oren cannot materialize ice or water in very dry air, meaning she will struggle round widespread fire or in very low humidity. -She's had somewhat limited exposure to the outside world and this affects how she interacts with people socially. [b] Brief History:[/b] Oren was brought up in one of the many small, fortified towns out beyond the city borders. Illegitimate, and raised by a father who resented the task, she had little affection to anticipate in her life. Educated at home to an achingly high standard, Oren's intellect bloomed from an early age, though possibly more out of fear or reprisal than out of a genuine love for learning. Her only notable relative cast a dark shadow over her life, one of fear and doubt. As she grew older this changed tack. Even as her father lost interest in trying to catch his unwanted child out with harder material, Oren did her best to acquire it. She had realized that her intellect could be a key to escaping a life of drudgery and being free of a controlling patriarch and a town nobody went to. Certainly she got free of those. But not in the way she expected. One night, with her father away, Oren was awoken to a noise like no other. The roar of a jotun. Then and impact that shook the building to its foundations. She ran to the window to see a sight that people had come to dread. The defensive wall had been breached and a jotun warband was pouring in through the gap, towering over the houses. In that moment she was certain that every single person in that town was going to die. What passed in the following hours, only Oren could really be sure of, and even then it leaves some room for uncertainty. Several days later a consignment of scouting troops from The Blessed arrived at the ruined town in effort to try and track the Jotun back to a camp or hideout. as they picked through the battered wreckage they saw something...unlike anything they'd come across before. A dead jotnar, sprawled over a great spike of razor-sharp ice. Frozen in the centre of the ice was a dark-haired girl, and the rip in the back of her clothes revealed the shape of the Isa rune, glowing pale blue against her skin. Upon breaking the ice they discovered Oren not only alive, but seemingly with no lasting health problems from days spent encased in frost. It was something they could only describe as the work of the gods themselves. And from there, Oren became the first active rune. In subsequent years she would try and work out why it as that Isa became active so early. What she concluded was that the giant had been wounded on attacking her and Jotun blood acted as some sort of catalyst. The blood of a frost giant breathed life into the rune of ice. That it was more a freak accident than heavenly predestination... but it was hard to say. Oren spent the next five years with The Blessed. She had no real choice, but she also displayed no active wish to leave. Her position gave her life meaning that it had lacked, and her powers gave he an endless source of research material to test out her keen mind upon. She spent the years developing and broadening the utility of her powers, as well as carrying out extensive research on the world-eaters, out of a desire never to be caught unprepared again. She awaited the others arriving, eager, as much as Oren ever was eager, to begin her destiny. [/hider] [hider=Hati][img]http://i.imgur.com/oak6XLp.jpg?1[/img] [b]Full Name: [/b] Hati Hróðvitnisdottir [b] Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Suneater, Dinah (Her human alias.) [b] Age:[/b] Unknown, human form appears round nineteen years of age. [b] Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Varg [img]http://i.imgur.com/i8Ul6H1.jpg?1[/img] [b]Description:[/b] As a varg, Hati resembles a white wolf about the size of a pony. Like most varg, the wolf displays very elongated canine teeth and a more top-heavy build compared to a wolf, though as vargs go Hati is rather gangly and skinny in build. Unlike other vargs, Hati possesses peculiar glowing eyes, as bright blue as a clear sky that seem to glow with internal light. This is matched by similarly illuminated markings on her face. These mark her out as one of the two celestial varg, the Suneater and Mooneater. As human Hati appears to be a young woman in her late teens, tall and athletic in build, with freckly skin and long white hair, generally roped into an untidy plait and often sporting a few leaves. Being not of human background she tends to display a rather laissez-faire attitude to clothing, wandering round in whatever she can find and rarely wearing shoes. [b]Personality:[/b] Whilst spending plenty of time in human form, Hati always has something of the feral about her. Hailing from the Ironwood, she has adjusted very little to human society and rather struggles not to stand out during her forays. She had no concept of manners or formality. She eats pretty much everything with her hands...unless it's soup, then she'll just lift it up and drink it right out of the bowl. She sees no problem with skinning game on someone's dining table or presenting people with dead rabbits as a thoughtful gift. Despite her dark and apocalyptic destiny, Hati appears to be something of a slacker. She has little interest in her duties of hunting Sol, something that's attracted the ire of Devourers in the past. Hati would rather be doing hat she wants to do than chasing up a volva's prophecy. This doesn't necessarily make her entirely amicable though, as Hati has a fair level of distrust of humans. Fenrir's confinement is no secret to her, and she's long come to associate humans with a hatred of her kind. As such whilst she'd rather not rain destruction on the children of Ask and Embla, she'd also not going to be cowed by them. [b] Skills[/b]: - Shapeshifting - Something common to her kind, Hati is able to alter her shape, from wolf, to human, and back again. This allows her to walk among humans, at least to some degree. Her wolf form is considerably larger in size, which will give her an edge in more dangerous situations. Injuries sustained in one form transfer to the other. Natural Hunter - Hati was born to hunt Sol, and as such she is a flawless tracker. Once she has a person's scent, she can follow it anywhere and bypass any attempts to conceal it. In a similar vein, Hati's stamina is quite astounding. Other things might run faster that her, but few can run for longer. She can similarly withstand a lot of damage. Heat Resistance - Hati eats the sun. As such fire hold no fear for her. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] - Slacker A tearaway with little sense of discipline, Hati is a slacker with little drive or direction, and doesn't tend to apply herself. - Wolfish Sensibilities - Hati struggles to fit in with human society. [b] Brief History:[/b] Hati was born in the Ironwood. Jotun country. The wasteland beyond human habitation where jotun and varg dwell. Resources were scarce and most creatures struggled to survive in the harsh environment. Prey was scarce and the pack they were born into were permanently half-starved. Sometimes they pushed out towards human territory in order to raid farms, but often incurred severe losses when doing so. This miserable life seemed to change for the Ironwood pack however when their alpha female bore two extraordinary cubs. One black, one white, bearing the marks of the celestial wargs, the wolves who would eat the sun and the moon. Skoll and Hati. The pack rejoiced despite thier grim circumstances, to have been blessed with such a fortune as to bring forth two of the key players of Ragnarok. The two cubs received anything they needed as they grew. The first bites of any kill, the warmest spots in the Winter, the very centre of the circle when danger appeared. During her early years, Hati thought little of this, enjoying her feeling of importance and relative privilege. As she got older however, the state of things began to disturb her. Vargs sickened, starved, died in risky forays into human country whilst she and her brother didn't want for anything. The look of hope and expectation in the eyes of her family and peers begun to evoke more fear and uncertainty in Hati and anything else. They all anticipated they day she would set out on her quest and make them proud. So one day, she did. The downside was she had neither any idea how, nor inclination to, hunt Sol. Instead she found herself trying to eek out a living by herself...something that proved to be about as difficult as she thought it would be. But at least she'd escaped the expectations. [/hider] [hider=Skoll][img]http://i.imgur.com/oS1utC1.jpg?1[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] Skoll Hróðvitnisson [b] Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Mooneater, Moonhound, Mangarmr, Cyrus (human alias), [b] Age:[/b] Unknown, human form appears round twenty-one years of age. [b] Gender:[/b] Male [img]http://i.imgur.com/Mnvo1qi.jpg?1[/img] [b]Description:[/b] In varg form, Skoll resembles a wolf the size of a small horse, with black fur. Unusual for its kind, the wolf's eyes glow a fiery red colour, matching similarly illuminated marks on its face and forehead. The wolf's canine teeth are elongated and appears deeper chested and more wide-shouldered than a mortal world wolf. In human for Skoll resembles a young man in his early twenties, with black hair that reaches past his jaw. He's a bit on the tall side, somwhat athletic in build, though it's generally concealed by a t-shirt and a heavy jacket. He tends to wear gloves and boots and often seems to sport a rather severe expression. [b]Personality:[/b] Skoll is known for being, at best, kinda serious. The young varg is surly, and humorless, tending to alienate most people he encounters. Neither him nor his sister have the greatest respect for convention, and Skoll is a law unto himself in many ways. Fortunately, they have the sense not to push their boundaries too far, but he tends to have the sense not to take on things he's sure he can't handle. Skoll possesses a great dela of resentment towards humans and The Blessed, feeling quite strongly that the state of the Ironwood is their responsibility. Skoll's relationship with his sister can be a little strained. Hati tends to make a sport out of trying to wind her brother up, and they seem to communicate mostly in insults. Whilst they bicker almost constantly, Skoll is extremely protective of his sister, and has both the attitude, and the necessary skills to threaten swift and terrible retribution to anyone who might hurt her, something she seems to regard as more an annoyance than any kind of protection from the world. The two are, despite this, very close and tend to know exactly what one another is thinking. [img]http://i.imgur.com/kan9fPb.jpg[/img] [b] Skills[/b]: Shapeshifting - Something common to her kind, Skoll is able to alter his shape, from wolf, to human, and back again. This allows him to walk among humans, at least to some degree. His wolf form is considerably larger in size, which will give him an edge in more dangerous situations. Injuries sustained in one form transfer to the other. Cold Resistance - The chaser of the frigid moon, Skoll has no problem with frost. Howl of the Ginnungagap - Both Skoll and Hati have howls with an insidious ability drawn from the void. Anyone in earshot of the howl will lose magical ability until sunrise, in Skoll's case, sunset, for Hati. As such, it will only work at night for the former, and day for the latter. [b]Weaknesses: [/b] Stubborn Independence - Skoll does not enjoy asking for help, this can often cause him problems as he's unlikely to admit when things go wrong. Daybreak - Skoll's howl ability has no power during the hours of daylight, and dispells with the rising of the run. [b] Brief History:[/b] Skoll was born in the Ironwood. Jotun country. The wasteland beyond human habitation where jotun and varg dwell. Resources were scarce and most creatures struggled to survive in the harsh environment. Prey was scarce and the pack they were born into were permanently half-starved. Sometimes they pushed out towards human territory in order to raid farms, but often incurred severe losses when doing so. This miserable life seemed to change for the Ironwood pack however when their alpha female bore two extraordinary cubs. One black, one white, bearing the marks of the celestial wargs, the wolves who would eat the sun and the moon. Skoll and Hati. The pack rejoiced despite their grim circumstances, to have been blessed with such a fortune as to bring forth two of the key players of Ragnarok. The two cubs received anything they needed as they grew. The first bites of any kill, the warmest spots in the Winter, the very centre of the circle when danger appeared. Whilst his sister was keen to run from the weight of expectation, Skoll took the cause upon himself to a great degree. He didn't regard himself as a cause of misery for his pack, nor his sister, the other varg saw them as some symbol of hope... but he did see humans are the cause of misery. The ones who killed his kin and forced them out into the arid land whilst they hoarded their fat cattle and pigs. He set out on his journey too, but with more focus than the sunhound. He would hunt Mani, but he had other plans first. [/hider] [hider= Helena Kingsley][img]http://i.imgur.com/gZ3eARq.jpg?1[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] Helena Alys Kingsley [b] Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Sweater Girl, Ginger, Hel, Space Cadet [b] Age:[/b] 21 [b] Gender:[/b] Female [b]Occupation:[/b] The Blessed, Junior Office Staff. [b] Description:[/b] Helena is not a terribly imposing creature, topping out at out an unintimidating 5'2. Her build is slim, with light curves on the hips and chest rather than any defined muscle and her face is heart-shaped and girlish, with a set of wide, blue-grey eyes.She has a mop of untidy, red hair, which falls for her lower back. She has very pale skin that is quite prone to burning. She has a notable scar on the one side of her face, neck and shoulder. People often pick Helena out on her somewhat..idiosyncratic sense of fashion. Her outfit tends to frequently consist of skirt, leggings, sheepskin boots, and some of the most hideous sweaters known to mankind, hewn in rainbow colours and emblazoned with animal designs. All are at least two sizes too big. She's rarely seen without one on. [b]Personality:[/b] Helena is a rather peculiar young woman. Socially awkward and rather absent-minded, she often seems to be going about he day oblivious of things going on around her. She appears to have a tendency to daydream and forget what she's doing. She's also rather disorganised both externally and internally, quite capable of forgetting her duties or running late Helena is fairly shy, and whilst this certainly doesn't put her beyond attempts to make friends, this is quite easily shot down. SHe seems to have a few issues with her own self-esteem. [b] Skills:[/b] -Photocopying, making coffee, getting people's lunch orders right at least half of the time, paints and draws relatively well. [b] Weaknesses:[/b] - No combat experience or training. -Absent-minded, inattentive, and maybe not amazingly good at her job. [b] Brief History:[/b] Helena has been working for the Blessed for a little while, in a relatively junior position, doing jobs around the place. She'd grown up with frequently absent family, and had gotten rather used to being alone, so adjusting to the environment was a little bit of a culture shock...the liveliness moreso than the strange happenings. It soon proved that Helena was, perhaps, not the most adept at her job, but the Blessed were very unwilling to dispense of her. For all her mistakes she's yet to receive any serious consequences short of being reprimanded, and has given a few staff reason to assume she must be related to someone high up in the organization and must be being kept on due to some familial ties. There certainly has to be something going on.[/hider]