[center][h1][color=a2d39c]Gerard Connolly[/color][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/903223eaba67bc94562299d2a1eb1478/tumblr_num83x6wNn1ube2bso1_500.gif[/img] [hr] [color=a2d39c]Location:[/color] Wyndham Manor, Stables [hr] [/center] [color=a2d39c]" Millicent came home?"[/color] Gerard was surprised, he had thought that she had stayed the whole evening at the hospital since the evening Emma took her away.This woke him right out of his torpid state. Nevertheless, Gerard would have noticed Millie if she were to sneak out to the gardens, it was her usual morning routine after all. [color=a2d39c]"No. I haven't seen her." [/color] he responded. [color=a2d39c]"Could it be that she's still in the hospital?"[/color] He asked. It would be very likely that Millicent would have stayed there, with her stepmother, after she was tended to. At least that was what Gerard thought, he would have awaken earlier if he had known Millicent would be back. But then remembering her condition that night, they could have taken her in. Her wounds werent that grevious though he couldn't say the same for her mental state. And done by that horrible man. He remembered the ring she was wearing, the one which he never saw her wear before. What he suspects had only outraged him more. Gerard could only imagine where Millie is now, and staying here just living with it will simply not be enough for him. But the idea of Millie being taken in as a patient in the hospital, worries him all the same. That would only mean they had taken her somewhere that would "help" her mental state. [hr] [center][h1][color=f6989d]Frances Warwick[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/15eb362c12d63952dda47fce72900814/tumblr_no7573K4vh1u2olxbo1_500.gif[/img] [hr] [color=f6989d]Location:[/color] The Glimmeric; [hr] [/center] Lord Galloway. How can anyone not know the man who owns half of Scotland's Gretna Green? His prerogative character, pallid complexion was no stranger to plenty, and certainly not to Frances. With his overall gait, appearance and manner he could be mistaken for a soulless, which had become an inside gag within the brothel. If it turned out to be true however then somebody owes the madam ten shillings. Frances then turned to the girl, Sarah Ann, flushed from the effort she did to reach the madam. Sweet, innocent girl she is, all the more Frances had to keep an eye on at their patrons' wriggly hands. [color=f6989d]"How interesting."[/color] she thought. A few of the girls who followed out were looking over the approaching man from afar, murmuring to themselves in giddy squeaks and hushed tones. Frances wouldn't say she'd expect him to make business at the brothel like every moneyed man that every crossed their doors. As the night took over and the day is all but spent with hard work, they all look for the same thing which they could not find in their sad withered wives. Though it was no news that the Lord had married a very much younger woman, could be that his visit to the Glimmeric accounts for something else, though still it won't be a surprise if it were otherwise.