[@Secrethood] [@Polaris North] [color=f49ac2]"Forgive me, my dear Flynn, I was simply... deep in wondering"[/color], Aphemia told Flynn with a reassuring smile. Although she thinks Flynn is very kind and trustworthy, she's still skeptical of telling her newfound friend her condition. She doesn't want to be teased and left out again like she experienced in her past school. No matter what, she is determined to not let anyone know of it. Aphemia focused her around her surroundings much more: like what Flynn said, they were already inside the academy though it has far exceeded her expectations. As much as she appreciates the aura of formality and royalty emanating from the place, she does prefer the chaotic beauty of Wonderland more. She turned to Jonathan with a warm smile on her face. [color=f49ac2]"An academy as big and as grand as a castle would require lots and lots of time to explore indeed"[/color], Aphemia said as she drinks her tea. [color=f49ac2]"Although I am sure we would have the school personnel give us the tour of the whole school, I personally prefer to explore them personally. It would be quite fun to be lost in such a magnificent place such as this, don't you think?"[/color]. As soon as she said it, she can barely contain her excitement in just the mere thought of wondering and wandering around.