Tamu was on top of a roof cloud watching while snacking on a pack of cheese danishes and honey buns. That was until he heard a dinging noise on his phone to check the email he just received. Looking through his email while still munching, Tamu stopped chewing when his eyes widened to the fact that he was now accepted into IMFO. hell, he nearly chocked trying to swallow his snack. "Great...now I'm going to be noticed....maaan, now I'm gonna be a target for any IMFO haters." he said. Tamu was shocked but his first response was that of negativity being accepted into the big leagues. He gave a sigh "Fine...if they must have me, so be it." Thinking that all he wanted to do was simply learn magic to deal with the gangs in his neighborhood. He stood up and went to go inside, taking his box that still had whatever was left in them, leaving the wrappers, being too lazy to clean. He needed to prepare to leave.