[center] [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5750/0b94cf14e32d21d134060b595e3ec1e46a329eeb_hq.jpg[/img] Name: Ted Kord Alias: Blue Beetle Age: 27 Personality: Optimistic, calculating, light-hearted, Jolly, Determined Archetype: Gadgeteer [hider=Skills and Gadgets:] [b]Peak-ish Human Condition:[/b] Ted spends a decent amount of his time training his body to be capable of standing on his own in a word of alien gods and jacked up hoodlums. He’s trained in quite a few martial arts forms but is by no means a master of any and would be easily taken down by someone more skilled than him. Likely his greatest attribute however is his mind. With an IQ of 192 Ted is able to think through many situation rather than needing to resort to pure brute force (of which he possesses very little). [b]Blue Beetle Suit:[/b] The Blue Beetle costume isn’t the most sophisticated piece of technology but it is above the par of many of the other leaguer’s costumes in term of technological prowess. The mask for one can only be taken off using the armour’s gloves allowing Ted to keep his identity secret better, the visor has telescopic vision enhancements allowing him to see further and in greater definition and his suit is also capable of dampening the impact of kinetic attacks and stop small grade energy attacks. [b]The B.U.G:[/b] The Blue Utility Gadget (or Bug for short) is a device worn on Ted’s back which can be outfitted with numerous attachments to fit the need. A few notable attachments are: (1) A Clean Energy Jetpack (2) A hard-light diving suit capable of carrying twelve hours of oxygen and pressurizing for most environments (3) [b]Heavily Modified BB gun or Air Gun:[/b] Barely fitting the description of a BB gun anymore, Blue Beetle’s iconic weapon is capable of much more than firing a small pellet. The gun has three main functions to it: (1) A bright flash capable of stunning most things the look in it’s general direction (2) a compressed air blast that, at it’s peak, has been shown to knock a rhino clean off it’s feet (3) the gun can be used as a classic grappling gun in cases where there’s no better option for travel.[/hider] [hider=Weaknesses:] [b]Human:[/b] Ted’s humanity is humbling to him in a time where he’s constantly surrounded by godly extraterrestrials and superhumans but, naturally, his mundane physicality is his greatest weakness. Ted can be stabbed, shot, blown up and killed in a plethora of other ways.[/hider] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/b/b1/Ted_Kord_0004.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120330093027[/img][/hider] Character Evolution: I’d like for Ted to gain a few close friends and possibly a girlfriend if it happens naturally. Over time I’d like for Ted to replace and improve on his gadgets such as making more attachments for his B.U.G. BRIEF Bio: Ted Kord was raised in luxury due to his parents owning the highly successful cooperation know as Kord Industries. Living in such an environment inevitably spoiled Ted and resulted in a child who believed they were a cut above the common rabble but this lifestyle also allowed Ted to put a great focus on his studies and become a child prodigy. This mentality didn’t help Ted make any real friends but the boy suffered a real shock when his parent’s company was bought out by Wayne Enterprises during a low period for the company. Ted’s ‘friends’ all left him and his family was forced to drastically change their lifestyle to fit their new money situation. Luckily Ted’s parents made peace with the situation quickly and managed to keep the family fed, warm and dry. Ted wasn’t as easy to adapt. The now eleven year old boy took the change horribly and blamed his parents for their new accommodations and finical situation. This mentality slowly eroded away as Ted grew older and came to realize just how much his parents needed to do just to keep their family living somewhat comfortably and put him through university. After university, Ted made a name for himself in the business world via starting multiple companies and selling them off for huge pay outs which allowed him to once again live in luxury. Eventually he managed to buy back his parent’s company from Wayne Enterprises after a decent amount of haggling and paying more than the corporation was worth. The first major project headed by the company under Ted’s leadership was the development of the software to be used in the Justice League’s base of operation. The business owner hadn’t followed the career of the heroes very closely but he knew about the superhuman that inhabited his world but seeing them up close sparked something within Ted. These heroes put their lives on the line so that people like him could continue their lives without needing to worry about some intergalactic starfish or something destroying the planet. Ted wanted the self fulfillment that came with such an occupation. He thought “I want to be one of those guys” and began using the resources of his company to cobble together gadgets and a suit so that he could become a protector of the planet. Notes: -He got the Blue Beetle name thanks to two days of trying to think of one then taking a “what’s your Superhero name?” test online. [hider=Sample Post:] Metropolis was a beautiful city, it was no wonder that the Justice League decided to make their base of operations here. Despite it’s looming buildings and constant targeting for superhuman criminals, one couldn’t help but feel tranquil walking its streets. That said the city wasn’t free of crime. On his way to the Justice League tower for the first time as Blue Beetle, Ted Kord saw a robbery taking place across the street in a Jewelry store. “Really couldn’t have thought of robbing some place less conspicuous.” Ted thought to himself in regards to the, at the moment, unseen thief. Quickly Ted made his way across the street, Air gun in hand and got ready to knock down some thugs. What Ted didn’t expect was the strange, armoured figure in front of him. The their was clad in a large, purple armoured suit sporting large structures out of the back that could only be wings and odd tubes for fingers that sucked up the diamonds, rings and necklaces on display in the shop. Ted carefully stepped his way through the shattered remains of the large front window, into the store. “I’ve seen a lot of strange get ups guy but yours takes the cake for the most out there. Who are you supposed to be? The Tubular Thief?” Ted commented as the armoured foe suddenly spun towards Ted in surprise and proceeded to fly directly at him at break-neck speeds. The smartest move here would have been to leap out of the way, fire a grapple line at the flying house plumbing and work from there but rather than use his IQ of 192, Ted tested his luck and craftsmanship skill as he cranked his Air gun’s settings and fired at the man. The suit crumpled, broke and bent but kept most of it’s momentum as it managed to tackle Ted out the window and into the street. Ted wondered if the pilot had survived his suit getting the top half squished but was quickly met with an answer in the form of pained groaning coming from within the suit. Ted smirked a little at his accomplishment but soon winced as the pain of the whole ordeal set in and he realized that he’d been tackled out a window by a three hundred pound metal man who was currently still onto of him. Ted made no attempt to get up and instead waited for paramedics to arrive and get the oaf off of him and get him patched up.[/hider] [/center]