As an announcement: I will be performing something of a 'roll call' tomorrow. Mind you, this is not to spur anyone to rushing their post nor any sign of impatience on my part. I merely wish to gauge how many of us are going to be involved for the long haul, barring any unforeseen circumstances. The current roster of Players is rather large, so I want to make sure that it stays that way! If you see this message, before the 'roll call' and decide you want to speak up now (shouting your enthusiasm wildly to the sky, or my direction), please feel free to do so! Those who do will not be Mentioned in the 'roll call', as I will be taking note of such instances. Thank you for your time, and interest in this idea! It has been rather nice getting to know the group, thusfar, and I have high hopes for how our Characters and the plot of [i]Worlds Apart[/i] will turn out! That is all, from me, for now! Oh, wait! If you have yet to look over the expanded Locations (in the Mundane Information Section), make sure you do that! We have had a lot of Player contributions that are downright wonderful! Lightbridge is shaping up rather nicely!