[b]Name:[/b] Gwyneth Brassington [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Picture/description:[/b] [hider=Gwyneth] [img=http://picture-cdn.wheretoget.it/gk56hi-l-610x610-skirt-get-bent-tight-skirt-marina-and-the-diamonds-bow-t-shirt.jpg][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Gwyneth is a good girl, or at least, was. She never played up when she was a teenager, she never hated her parents, she never did drugs. She got good grades, she had friends. Nothing out of the ordinary. But when she graduated from high school she decided she didn't want to be a good girl anymore. Now she's a risk-taker with a god-complex. She hates herself but she hates everyone else more. She isn't someone you should trust, but she is someone you want on your side. She knows things about others but no one knows anything about her. She isn't that great anymore. [b]Biography:[/b] In just a few years Gwyneth has managed to alienate all of her old friends and family and start a new name for herself. She doesn't have a home, she stays with 'boyfriends' most nights, and she hasn't slept on the street since she was 18. If you're at a party, she's probably there. She knows your best friend's sister's boyfriend's friend, don't worry about it. No one knows much about her before graduation; she's an only child with good, rich parents. God knows why she gave up that. [b]Foils:[/b] Smokes cigarettes and pot. She lies if it means getting what she wants - which is normally sex or liquor. [b]Starting/ primary weapon:[/b] Small knife, nothing fancy.