[color=khaki]"Hey, who said muscle heads couldn't be smart?"[/color] Garsin replied with a smirk behind his helmet, that was revealed as he took it off. Garsin did what he could to help fortify the doors so that the ghouls couldn't get through, But there wasn't much here for any substantial support save for the metal poles of some of the larger racks. Making and major modifications would require making a lot of noise and in some cases tools that they didn't have. So, just to make sure everyone would stay safe for the time being, Garsin braced against the doors himself. However, he wasn't foolish enough to just sit there. He listened carefully for any sign that their luck may get worse. Ghouls were known to back off after a few minutes and lose interest, but in that time, one had to pay close attention to the sounds of the ghouls outside. What Garsin was listening for were the heavy and lumbering footsteps of a berserker. He knew better than to be on the wrong side of a door with one of them. Even as big as he was, Garsin would have a a hell of a fight if he had to take on one of those hulking beasts. In their current situation, if these doors came down, he was pretty sure that a berserker plus the hundreds of ghouls would destroy them in an instant. It seemed like he was there for ages. Waiting....listening.... praying that they would come to pass. And eventually it got quieter, though just to be sure they weren't making room for their fleshy battering ram, Garsin waited to listen just a moment longer. Nothing. Garsin let out a pent up breath that he hadn't realized he was holding as he stood back from the door. [color=khaki]"Looks like they backed off for now. But we can't stay here,"[/color] he said quietly to the others. Almost on que, Eli came back from scouting ahead....alone. "The exit seems clear, but a Stalker got Thanes.. we'll need to be vigilant," Eli announced. Garsin cursed under his breath as thought about what just happened. As far as fighting power goes, that now leaves Eli and himself that he knew had actually seen combat, but he also knew that it wasn't too hard even for someone who hasn't seen combat to use a rifle in a mediocre capacity and a thought occurred to him. [color=khaki]"His gear, you think we can snag it? Assuming his body is still there, we could possible outfit one or two of these people."[/color] He walked over to the door again and put his ear against it. The shuffling seemed to be dying down as the ghouls lost interest for the time being. [color=khaki]"They don't seem to care we are here for the moment,"[/color] he noted as he stepped back again, shaking his head. [color=khaki]"Eli, before we move I need to talk to you,"[/color] he said as he moved closer to him. He kept his voice low so that the others wouldn't be startled even more by what he had to say. [color=khaki]"I'm not sure if you have been hearing it to, but I keep hearing this laughing and giggling... I heard it before we were attacked and some before the ghouls lost interest with us here. I think something is controlling this, I don't know how or why, or even what it is. Honestly, if it didn't turn dark in the middle of the day with no sign of an eclipse, I'd just think I'd gone mad. While it would be nice to think I'm just imagining things, I'd like to think I haven't lost my mind,"[/color] he finished with a hint of a grim smile. Maybe he had gone mad, maybe those plants that they were cutting down had some sort of spores. Either way, things weren't normal, it almost seemed...planned, almost like a trap. As Garsin waited and listened to Eli's response, he started to check his gun, the magazine he had in it when then made first contact had three rounds left on one side with the other side full. He pulled the mag through, put the remaining three rounds from that side in a pocket, and reinserted the magazine with the fresh side up to feed the other eight rounds. He would wait to put his helmet back on for when they start to move out again.