[center][color=FireBrick][h1]Oshea Jackson[/h1][/color][/center] [center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRjtfO2BcJ4mxrdczwdEbebi4Gzn4cKHY2FO1grfvoVWaMg9LSa63bMfE9A[/img][/center] [center]"Everybody falls, how you gon' get up though?[/center] [hr] A shriek escaped Oshea's lips which could be heard for at least a block. Never in his life had he felt such agony, every nerve in his body fell into shock. For a few seconds, he didn't feel anything at all; he felt weightless. Oshea felt his conscious slipping and his heart smashing against his chest. It would not be long before he lost complete consciousness, and so he knew he had to contact anyone in the vicinity. With what strength he had left, he removed his communicator from his belt and chimed [color=FireBrick]"Grngh! Ugh. . . man down, God--look at it! Oooooohhhh @#&#! $#!@! Somebody. . . help! Need--"[/color] static, his voice faded from the channel. Sat on cold steel, blackness pulsated over Oshea's visage. He was too weak to fight it, and could only hope someone would come to his aid. Strength spent, his bald cranium fell back against the wall for support and once more the darkness came. Weighted, it pulled him further from waking life and into the silence of the unconscious.