Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that marks one year since I started this thread. Thanks to those hanging onto it, those that done so from the very beginning and those that are newer. I’m thankful to you all, and I hope you're still having fun. Hahaha. And now, that I’ve said that. Let me cross that off my checklist. Honestly, I was thinking that we haven’t gotten nearly as far as I’d originally imagined. Oh, well. That’s probably entirely due to me. ANYWAYS! [@Rune_Alchemist] Nicely posted. Yupp, that is a reasonable strategy. Let’s see how that goes. Edit: And today I learned that my clock is exactly two hours early compared to the guild's. ... Yikes, it was late when I put this thread up. Oh, well. ALMOST a year ago. Hahaha. Anyways. ONWARDS!