[hr][hr][center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img] [img]https://s2.postimg.org/wlogxtv09/virginia_aesthetic2.png[/img][hr][color=9999ff][b]Location[/b][/color]: Crypt Townhouse Near the Strand, London [hider=House and Description][img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2621/3928496504_fab1dba590.jpg[/img][center]The Crypts purchased the house ages ago, as their dear friend's practice was nearby. He was an undertaker. Does that surprise you? It shouldn't. Alfred manages the household affairs, as the townhouse was originally used for attending events of the season, as well as to be present for public executions. Virginia takes a professional interest in them. That should hardly surprise you either.[/center][/hider][/center][hr][hr] Virginia paused for a moment, staring off into space. Alfred tapped his foot quietly to count the seconds that passed, entirely oblivious to the gardener's small act of pyrotechnics. He hadn't ventured outside of the manor himself yet that morning, spending a good portion of his time trying to convince James that using a tapestry like a cape would not protect him from jumping off the second floor bannister. And of course less than an hour later, James was attempting to teach himself to juggle with the cook's knives. The household staff at the Crypt home either stayed for quite some time or quit within a fortnight. Alfred and Virginia had once discussed the possibility of hiring a Lady's Companion, due to the Lord and Lady Dywell's long absence, only for Virginia to remind the butler that hardly [i]any[/i] applicants would last very long within the Crypt household. And of course, it also impart came from Virginia's stubborn belief that her parents were quite well and would be back at any moment. It was only recently that Virginia began to think of contingency plans--namely, what to do with her little brother and how to raise him properly. [color=9999ff]"I would be delighted to join my brother, though I do appreciate you bringing a tray, dear Alfred,"[/color] Virginia finally answered, after a few minutes had passed. Alfred nodded. "You are welcome, my lady," he replied, waiting a moment for Virginia to head down the stairs before following her. He figured that it would be a difficult day ahead of them, what with Virginia's mood already seeming to contrast starkly with the night before. He couldn't help but wonder what the darkness was that she spoke of and if there was any truth to her tale. It was not that he doubted her word--but Crypts tended to be excitable people and had to be understood as such. "Ginny!" James called out, rushing up to his sister with a large knife in one hand and a suspicious red substance covering himself. Virginia smiled brightly while Alfred frowned--the young Viscount must have gotten into the strawberry jam and decided to play. At least, that was what the butler hoped and assumed had happened in his short absence. [color=9999ff]"Oh, my little demon!"[/color] Virginia replied, giggling a bit at James' appearance. [color=9999ff]"Have you been terrorizing dear Alfred this morning?"[/color][hr][hr][center][img]https://s8.postimg.org/nvq4ksl7p/maeve.png[/img] [img]https://s2.postimg.org/88devw7h5/Regency_Chloe_12.gif[/img][hr][color=ff6600][b]Location[/b][/color]: Teriny Inn[/center][hr][hr] Maeve was a bit conflicted with the food options. On the one hand, eggs and pork sounded absolutely delightful. Yet the thought of steel cut with fruit sounded absolutely divine, especially after the frightful night she had had. Her only possible explanation was that she had had too much sugar before bed, something that she often chided little Roisin about. Perhaps she needed to take her own advice. But still, the sweetness of the fruit combined with Irish oatmeal was too good an offer to pass up. [color=ff6600]"Steel cut an' fruit sounds divine, t'anks,"[/color] Maeve replied, smiling kindly at the man. That was the skill she had spent her youth cultivating, after all--being likable. It was incredibly manipulative of her, winning people over in order to get what she needed, but it had started off as a survival mechanism. But she snickered at Nigel's teasing of the parson. [color=ff6600]"Yer man is a strange one,"[/color] Maeve agreed. She was surprised she didn't hear the parson stumbling his way down the road, burning down a few buildings while he was at it. But with all the energy he expended falling all over himself, he probably could use to eat a little more than the average person. [color=ff6600]"Say, Nigel, is dare anythin' yer know aboyt de parson's family?"[/color] Maeve then asked, figuring that she might as well see how a parson came to be the way he was. Nigel had to know something, didn't he?