[quote=Snow] So... Since I really had no idea what state Britain was ever supposed to be in, what it's limits were or exactly how bad it was, and still don't really. (I don't even know what of it all is being kept canon)Can I perma jump back to Japan? It's isolated, has plenty of potential for good story lines now that I know what I'm doing, and because of it's location, I'll need to check with Aaron before I do anything outside of Japan, which prevents me from doing anything stupid. All in all, it's a benefit for everyone.On top of that, I've been learning the language and all about the culture for the last three years now, so I kind of have a pretty good grasp on it.So... What do you say? [/quote] That's the same reason you gave with your other jumps. "Can't think of anything." Why do you think that now, suddenly, you will be hit by a bunch of Japan-specific inspiration that you couldn't conjure before? You need to learn to be happy where you are. Britain has a lot of potential. As for cannon, just because we decanonize something doesn't mean you can't re-add it. It just can't contradict any canon changes we have made. There are a few things we are decanonizing because they don't make sense (mainly Florida being capable of independence, and some of the crazy that went on in the Americas in general). The reason we decanonized the rest is because we want people to be able to join nations without being burdened with a bunch of other peoples ideas, so we are stripping all the secondary nations down to the basic requirements they need to fit in with world history. That means that, though we would only really keep the anarchy as a requirement for a new person playing Britain, if you decide to take it up then you can read all your characters and the like. Though, it would be a chance to get rid of weird little things you came up with that you didn't like. I've went back and changed a few motivations and some of the events surrounding how land changed hand in my nations history, for instance.