The cool splash of water was pleasant across his face as James Carlyle tried to do whatever he could to regain his slowly energy levelness, the cold liquid in the basin functioning well enough to return some of the alertness to his mind. He had barely had time to find the crew quarters and quickly wash his face before he needed to make his way to the briefing room, all the while none to happy about being pulled from shore-leave early for the sake of this deployment. Exhaling though his nose in displeasure, he wiped his face off with a towel and pulled the upper half of his uniform back on, fastening it closed as he left his quarters on his way to the briefing. As he walked, he thought back to the communication he had received concerning his advancement to the Second Division. It said that, for the time being, he was under consideration until Second Division had reviewed the recommendation submitted by his previous commanding officer. Should the recommendation fall into place, he would undergo a formal review and, should be pass, be sent back to one of the Second Division training facilities to undergo the appropriate re-training, with his foreseeable end goal being Independent Operations, Marksman Section. He pulled himself from his musing quickly enough to avoid colliding with the door before taking a breath and entering the briefing room. Leaning against the back wall with his arms crossed, he took a moment to survey his surroundings. The room itself was fairly unremarkable, with a few Privates and other miscellaneous crewmen present for what he felt like would amount to an orientation meeting. The unusual white-haired girl caught his attention and he watched with a raised eyebrow as she entertained herself, taking note of the fine level of control she seemed to have over the drones. Shaking his head slightly, he looked back to the front of the room as he waited for the Vice Admiral to arrive.