[@vFear]Looks good, but there are a few things I'd like you to change. Firstly, shared perception between Master and Servant or magus and familiar is something anyone can do as a natural consequence of their contract with the summoned entity, kinda like a Master's telepathic link to their Servant and their intuition for the stats and abilities of enemy Servants (Waver and Kirei both demonstrate these skills and their usefulness early on in Fate/zero). It doesn't require any additional expenditure of mana, and it certainly doesn't require a sensory deprivation tank, so you should be fine ditching those. They aren't required for shared perception. Secondly, your spells all look good for the most part, including the healing spells, which are "priced" fairly well imo, but I do think that these familiars, which you specify are made with some sort of crystal infused with magical energy, should cost a little more than simply summoning a weak, low-level spirit or animating a half-rotten corpse. Not much more, mind you, as they're far from anything like High Thaumaturgy by the way you described them, but I do think the gargoyles should cost something like 30 units (I assume they're significantly larger and stronger than normal humans), and the human-shaped familiars 15 units. Not a huge increase, but not so many that she can summon a whole squad of them at will. Unless it was your intention that these creatures were already pre-fabricated beforehand in a workshop or something and the cost is simply summoning them rather than creating them wholesale, in which case the lower cost would be appropriate. Also, oh loooooord is Ayondale gonna be gunning for you after pulling a stunt like that xD [youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TD3vtejH2FQ[/youtube] [@Shadow Daedalus] Accepted, once you provide the character image you showed me in your PM, or whatever new appearance you wish to use. I do think however that you should raise Daedalus' MAG to A at least, given the cost of the labyrinth and his other constructs, as well as the Caster class' natural proclivity towards higher ranks in that stat. I'd also like to know, just for the sake of any potential kaiju fights that may arise, how large Talos is supposed to be in both its forms. Just curious~ [quote=@Grey] I wouldn't say [i]seeking[/i], it's more like "I'm willing to take it on if we need it but otherwise hand it off." But yeah, if he has a Master in mind, Vocab could ask someone to do a Maiya/Sola-ui kinda deal. We have three familiar and/or spiritual evocation-based masters by the looks of it. We could make it work. But that's assuming the GM team is down with that kind of thing. [/quote] I am okay with an assistant like Maiya or a mana-sharing arrangement like Kayneth and Sola-Ui's (so long as it is done with one of our Masters who is well-versed in spiritual evocation and possesses the knowledge and skills to do so). [@KawaiiKyouko] Ooooewwwkay, while I think he could've been a little more chill about it (no pun intended), I agree wholeheartedly with [@vancexentan] here. Anastasia is a little too young as a Heroic Spirit to justify either of those NPs being as powerful as they are, or her having the stats she does here. She probably also wouldn't have Presence Concealment or any kind of Magic Resistance given her lack of mystery compared to Servants from the Age of Gods, but that's not really important. While I know Fate/Grand Order makes it look like anyone and their mother can qualify to be a super-OP Servant (one of many ongoing trends in that game that attracts my ire), someone that young should rightfully be a very weak Servant. Fate/Apocrypha's Jack the Ripper, who is the youngest Servant I'm willing to count as being primary or secondary canon, is only as strong as she is due to the infamy and mystery surrounding the Ripper killings. Like Dracula, her legend is almost obscenely inflated, which makes her stronger than her age would normally indicate. And even then she's still not that powerful, and one of the weakest Servants in Apocrypha. In a [i]sane[/i] world, something ours has not been since 2015 by all accounts, stuff like Grand Order's Thomas Edison would not exist. If it's any consolation, I [i]do[/i] really like the concept behind Anastasia, and while I think you've got some creative ideas for her, I just can't justify it in this context, nor do I think it would make a good fit for this RP. Which probably makes this a good time to point out to everyone just for the sake of clarity, [i]we were supposed to have stolen the "good" catalysts.[/i] That means the Servants on Red Team will likely be older/more famous and have bigger billing than the ones on Black to make up for our Masters' inexperience (that was the intention anyway). [@Grey][@WanderingSpirit][@Vocab][@Cojemo][@1Charak2][@Cu Chulainn] Furthermore, so long as I am addressing everyone, I would like to give everyone a friendly reminder that this RP is almost certainly going to be a long-term commitment given the level of complexity involved in your average Grail War. Perhaps six months to a year at least, depending on our pace. I'm okay with having a lot of people so long as we fill our slots out, but I also want to make sure everyone is committed to this RP and wants to see it through to the end. I realize real life doesn't always permit or reward that level of dedication, which is why I have a number of rules in place meant to keep the pace up in the event of temporary absences or people dropping out for whatever reason, but I'd like to avoid having to play the big bad GM as much as possible so we can all have fun together as a group. Believe me, the idea of killing off anyone's characters for any reason brings me no joy. I know just saying something like this out of the blue is a little weird, but I just want everyone to be aware that this RP is likely going to be a long one if you choose to stick with it (and I very much hope you do), and that I intend to see it finished, even if the only people left at the end are vance and I (though I very much hope we aren't). I felt like that was something everyone should be aware of. Whew... okay, so that seems like it's everything so far. Hopefully that last part didn't seem weird or intimidating to anyone, I just felt like I needed to get it off my chest ^^'