"Cam would have been your first choice if you valued technical know-how over skill as a ranger." Tori commented rather quietly. While he will always be the Green Samurai to the team, he wasn't a ninja like the rest of them. He could fight, there was no doubt about that, but it was the green ranger powers that put him on their level, not his base skill. Still, she was a little sad that she couldn't yell and post in front of the bad guys like the good old days. The alarm rang, and Billy gave them their new orders. Danny and Tori both quietly chanted their call signs as they went through the portal and morphed. Going through the portal, both rangers had their blasters armed and aimed, ready to take out any incoming threats. "You still had your ranger powers after the bad guy went down?" Danny was rather curious, as it seemed pretty common for rangers to give up their powers to save the world. "They were given back to me, believe it or not." She remarked. "The Overdrive Rangers called me in for help and reconnected me to the Morphing Grid, so I'm the only Wind Ranger with their powers now."