[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Pc0JpRT.png[/img][/center] As Cienna came over to Erin, she let her put her head in Cienna's lap. She couldn't understand the words she was singing, except for a few. The translation came to her broken. She let herself go limp, sobbing. The demon hated feelings of all sorts and tried to keep them away by all means possible. Perhaps that's why she had let them all out now, after some 5,000 years of bottling them up. She felt Cienna's hand running over her face, and for once she could say that it felt nice. She let herself be comforted by another. She felt herself relaxing a little more (emotionally) after letting some tears out. She didn't notice the lights of the room, with her eyes being shut tight as she tried to push away more feelings. She felt Cienna's lips on her forehead, and that's when her eyes snapped open. She lay there for a minute or more so, frozen. She hadn't received so much [i]nice[/i] attention in so many years. Erin, and Erin alone, felt Julie's mind stir as she began to regain consciousness. She sat up suddenly, quickly taking Cienna's hands in hers. She looked into her eyes, even if she couldn't see her. [color=ed1c24]"C-Cienna. You're a good, good fairy. It's not your fault t-that Julie is this way. But p-please, please promise me something."[/color] She paused for a moment, considering if she wanted to propose this promise. [color=ed1c24]"T-Tell her, [i]remind[/i] her, about all those years ago. S-She may not believe you, but [i]press on[/i]. Please."[/color]