Somewhere near the small cage, a small spirit is watching the agony of the Overseer. The thing was just eating its kin like normal "candy". Although unable to understand the meaning of such word, the little spirit thinks it is suitable to call the Overseer action of choking himself by eating too much spirit as "choking on candy". Turning around, the spirit now feels afraid when standing next to the tremendous cage compare to its size. A few moment ago, there were many of them, maybe million or more. But now, almost of those spirits are all inside the Horned Guard's jaw or belly. Leaving behind the little spirit and the remaining parts of tiny hands, legs, and heads lying everywhere. Some are even nailed into the layer of the cage when the creature was trying to capture them in his bare hand. The spirit's primitive instinct told it to run, to seek somewhere safe, to hide from this danger. But where is safety in this place? Before it, the Horned Guard lies on the path. Behind it, the icy cage where blood is still flowing out like a small stream. Realizing there are nowhere safe, the little spirit decided to take a final look around. It can see all. The noise from the spirit inside the Horned Guard's mouth. Other spirits that have been impaling by the thorn rock. Blood flowing out from every direction. But nothing matter now. There are nowhere safe. The spirit's light started to fade out. But before fading out completely, little spirit take a look upon the monstrous being. It saw a small dim of light on the Horned Guard's belly, that is continuously becoming brighter and brighter. Picking up a small fragment of rock, little spirit rushed toward the Horned Guard's body. But this time instead of fear, the little spirit was filled with hope, hoping for a chance to stay alive. So the little spirit helps other to pull out the large staple. But with each staple being pulled out, the more force is required to pull the next out. And the Horned Guard started to fight back, sending a dozen of them with each of his swings. But there is no sign of any spirits stopping or fleeing. For they all knew by their primitive intelligence, if not hurry, then being impaled or eaten is their only option. After all, one side will have to pay the price with blood. The question is which one?