[center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/11381bc5d67cd7069c1916d360fdb6e0/tumblr_mn5unb7ZJv1s46h7fo7_400.gif[/img] [img]https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IqmNScVknxs/TeaNCCqrvjI/AAAAAAAAAEg/UJpvGMoGx3E/s1600/astrid-berges-frisbey-11_large.jpg[/img] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Rochelle Auclair [b]Alias (any other names?):[/b] Rachel [b]Occupation(s):[/b] Unemployed Presently; Formerly Waitress [b]Abilities/Skills:[/b] Vivid Imagination/Creativity, Craftsmanship, Artistic, Book Smart -------------------------------------------------- [b]Overview:[/b] Even before the accident that changed her life, Rachel had difficulties making friends; most of her classmates didn't really want to hang out with the girl that still played with dolls into her pre-teen years. Even her father wondered, in so many words, when she would move onto other toys meant for 'girls her age'. But Rachel never saw a problem with it, and what was wrong with it anyway? Fortunately her mother was on her side, giving her dolls unique to Rachel - as they were homemade and thus irreplacable. Rachel cared for the dolls as if they were her best friends - which they were. After the car crash that claimed her mother and sister and left Rachel with more than just the physical scars of survival, it became harder for her to interact with other kids her age in the foster system. But she always had her dolls, the only thing left of her family, particularly her mother. When Rachel was deemed fit to re-enter society after time with trauma specialists, she was older and still finding it difficult to connect with people. For a time she found paying work as a waitress but it wasn't meant to last. After a daytime nightmare resulted in broken plates and quite the scene, Rachel was let go and her therapist suggested she seek more help. If nothing else, she always has her dolls. Even still. [b]Descriptive Physical Appearance:[/b] Rachel is rather thin thanks to her diet of never quite finishing the meals given to her; while not unhealthy in appearance she does have slightly sunken cheeks and a slender frame - it could be compared to one of the dolls she had in her youth but Rachel doesn't see that comparison. As far as she's concerned she's just simply lanky. Her hair is a light brown and somewhat stringy; there's little time for proper hair care when relegated to a life within an institution, but she makes do with what she can with her showers. Her hair has a tendency to stick to her forehead and its length extends to just past her neck. Rachel has sharp features, particularly her jawline, that show the maturity of her age along with the toll the trauma and her state of mind has had on her, with heavy eyelids and a default expression that sits somewhere between off kilter and serenity. [b]Personality:[/b] Rachel had always been somewhat soft spoken thanks to her lonely youth and that's only gotten more true as she's grown up. When talking with others, usually because she has to, it takes some convincing and egging on for her to open up beyond the simple words like "Yes" and "No" and "I don't know." Despite her seemingly limited vocabulary, Rachel is decently-read since there was little else to do in the foster homes. It's only when she was with her dolls that she ever seemed to truly carry on a conversation, such as when she would pretend to have little parties as a child. Some have chalked up her timid nature as a side effect of the accident, but it's more in line with the fact that a lifetime of answering questions about memories she never wanted to focus on has left her more than a little cold. She certainly does wish to be 'cured', she nevertheless finds it hard to speak with professionals without coming off as callow. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] None, really.