Phantom kicked up his feet, floating sideways near the ceiling of the police station. It was close by the hideout, and his own apartment, so he spent a lot of time there when he had nothing better to do while asleep. Everyone else was busy, cooking, banging, working. All except for Kenny, who was hanging out next to him in the form of a walkie-talkie. He didn't mind: after that last madness with Blacklight and the snapping turtle, he was happy to relax. He was invisible, floating above the heads of the unsuspecting officers. It was always slightly interesting at the station, even though he never had any idea of what was going on. He was not a cop-watcher, just a bored phantasmal being. Kenny was silent, but corporeal: he couldn't turn her invisible, so the little black box was hiding in the shadows. People hardly ever looked up, anyways. Today was particularly buzz-worthy, as something seemed to have gotten the police in a pickle. He'd only gotten there a half hour ago, so he still hadn't figured out the issue. It seemed like something the men-in-blue were trying very hard to hide from the press. A phone rang, and an operator snatched it up. "Ransom call!" he said, and immediately the place went silent. Ah. Ransom. For whom, he wondered. Luckily the phone went on speaker, and he got the answer to his question almost immediately. The mayor? The actual mayor? What the fuck? He could feel Kenny trying desperately to keep her squeals under control. To her credit, none escaped. "We have a location!" said one of the other officers. They probably had been trying to trace the call, or something. David didn't know squat about all that tech stuff. "The guy's phone got pinged around the old Kaplan carnival grounds. Talk about cliche." "David!" This time Kenny did squeak, and David groaned inwardly. The bustle of the station seemed to cover it up, though, and David took the opportunity to shuttle the walkie-talkie out the air vent he'd sneaked it in through. The conversation back at the hideout went roughly like: "THE MAYOR'S BEEN KIDNAPPED AND WE KNOW WHERE HE IS SUIT UP EVERYONE LETS GO!" "What? Who the fuck would kidnap the mayor?" "SOME GUY NAMED FINCH, C'MON ERNIE MOVE IT MOVE IT!" "You know we were in the middle of having sex, right Kenny?" "DON'T CARE WE ABOUTTA SAVE THE MAYOR SCRUBS, LES GO, EL RAPIDASH MI AMIGOS." "That's literally a Pokemon, Kenny! We're going back to bed, crazy fuckin' hoebag bit--" Five minutes later Ernie, Kenny, and a hastily dressed Vince and Garfield were leaving the apartment with David at the front. He shot through the air at speeds impossible to normal folk, zipping across town to the right place. He'd looked it up on Google Maps. They were driving, so it'd be a little while before they arrived. They were even bringing his body, just in case, as their getaway driver. Maybe good thinking, unless he got shot or something. That would suck.