"Five more minutes, please," grumbled Accalia, even though there was no one to hear her. Her ringtone was playing, and it wasn't very loud, but she had one sensitive pair of ears––which made that, and the accompanied incessant buzzing of the phone on the nightstand that much more annoying. Eventually it stopped. Then it started again. She answered with her mouth curled into the slightest of snarls, a fang sticking out onto her lower lip. "Yes, what, hello? What time is it?" "It's seven in the morning!" answered her mother. Incredulous, Accalia looked out the window––not that she needed to. It was utterly dark out, which must have been why she hadn't woken up at her usual time. "Stop playing with me," she grumbled, rubbing her eyes. "Look at your phone. Look at the time." She did, and for a minute she didn't say anything. It was too early for this. "Okay, what's going on?" "Turn on the radio. It seems like, um, the sun is missing. No one can get out of Kingsport and people in comas are waking up!" Accalia turned on the radio with her free hand and listened. "What in the fresh Hell?" "You have to go out there and help them, you have to do something." "Mom I thought you hated my, er, lifestyle. Plus, what am I supposed to do?" "Get out there right now, young lady!" Accalia yawned loudly and nodded, even though there was no way that her mother could see it. "Okay, okay, I'm on it, I'm getting out there. Love you." "Love you." [i]Click.[/i] Well, that was possibly the most unusual thing that Accalia had ever woken up to. She rolled out of bed with a low noise that sounded like, but wasn't quite, a growl, and got dressed in her superhero getup. [i]Much[/i] too early for all of this. She ate a hasty breakfast consisting mostly of lunchmeat (she'd make up for all the calories transforming took later) before she turned into her lupine form: a large, bristling black wolf, and exited through the doggy door installed in the back door. After trooping through several backyards and the somewhat scenic surroundings of a biking trail, She-Wolf emerged onto the street with a determined trot. She didn't actually know whether it would do any good to talk to anyone about this whole issue, least of all the [i]police,[/i] toward whom she had mixed feelings. Contemplating this, she shifted back to her human shape, standing on a sidewalk. Her transformation had startled an already panicked passer-by, who she just waved at.