[@LuckyBlackCat][@Darkmoon Angel] The man shook his head in disappointment as the two young women spoke their own defiance of his insanity, turning to step back some distance. [color=DarkRed]"Yet more fools who have no understanding of the evil we humans commit simply by existing. Very well, Excadrill, deal with them."[/color] Excadrill's grin only grows more wicked before it dives Amica with a Steel Claw. The battle was long and protracted, with only the trio of Amica, Dulcet, and Eclipse really showing how worse for wear as the sun began to rise. The man's Excadrill was breathing heavily, but outside of that, it didn't seem too beat up. Tommy and Amica were both worn out, but neither would give ground until they were both out cold. The man himself was more irritated than tired, but something about his demeanor had changed as he began to realize that he'd overstayed his welcome with his plan for Entei. [color=DarkRed]"Bah, insolent children. Entei is likely back in hiding and I've no patience left to sniff him out again. Excadrill, leave them. It's time we move on."[/color] the Ground-Steel type Pokemon wasted no time simply turning and walking away. The pair disappeared into the treeline and Amica immediately passed out, falling to the ground as Tommy rushed to her side. [color=Teal]"Stay with me, buddy. Cici, Luna, I think we won. But Amica needs to get to a Pokecenter and soon."[/color] [hr] [hider=Notes] Tommy: TP: 72+1+3=76 CP: 46+1+=47 Pokemon: [color=SteelBlue]Froakie: Amica, Female-level 15[/color] [color=DarkGreen]Bulbasaur: Epsilon, Male-level 13[/color] [color=SaddleBrown]Eevee: Beta, Male-Level 6[/color] [color=DeepPink]Ralts: Jerus, Male-Level 10[/color] [color=GoldenRod]Gible: Sharktooth, Female-Level 6[/color] Inventory: 1/10 Poke Ball x1 [/hider]