[hider="Soon"] [h1][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4400073]The Runes[/url][/center][/h1] [hr] [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/252960803/original.jpg[/img] [hr] [quote=Morgan Sydnous]"Is it physical or mental?"[/quote] [url=https://youtu.be/K6SyQ4XvBxg]The River[/url] [hr] [color=7bcdc8][h3]Full Name[/h3][/color] Morgan Sydnous [color=7bcdc8][h3]Nicknames/Aliases[/h3][/color] Morg, "M", Soon [color=7bcdc8][h3]Age[/h3][/color] 19 [color=7bcdc8][h3]Gender[/h3][/color] Male, but dresses in an androgynous manner [color=7bcdc8][h3]Rune/Location[/h3][/color] Laguz, located on his chest (right over his heart) [color=7bcdc8][h3]Rune Powers[/h3][/color] -Healing the sick -Closing wounds and healing injured -Feeling another's emotions [color=7bcdc8][h3]Description[/h3][/color] Morgan stands short and underweight for a boy, at 5'7" and 130 pounds. He is skinny, and a few of his ribs can be seen if you really look. He has dark brown hair, which fades into blonde. The reason for this type of natural hair is unknown. He has sea foam coloured eyes, and a strangely shaped face. When he speaks, his voice is in between feminine and masculine. [color=7bcdc8][h3]Personality[/h3][/color] Morgan speaks only when he deems it necessary, choosing to rather stay out of problems if he can. Of course, that all changed when the Rune appeared on his chest. When he does though, he can be sassy and is straight to the point. He rarely jokes and appears to be a rather morbid individual. Surprisingly, he is easy to make friends/get along with. [color=7bcdc8][h3]Skills[/h3][/color] +Cooking +Martial arts +Daggers +Gymnastics +Fair memory [color=7bcdc8][h3]Weaknesses[/h3][/color] -Cares too much for others well-being, more so than his own -He has many medical problems -A seemingly "scared" person in general [color=7bcdc8][h3]Brief Backstory[/h3][/color] Morgan did not have the most fortunate of lives. He was born and raised in San Fransisco. When he was five years old, his parents split. He was given custody to his mother. He spent most of his time with his mother who was also quiet like him, yet loving. But he also spent time with his father. Both loved him unconditionally, so Morgan always wondered why they had split up. His parents remained in contact and good friends, but just not married. He developed a strong connection with the both of them. Five years later, his father was been diagnosed with stage-four brain cancer. He spent as much time as possible with his father after that, adventuring the world with him for two years. Doctors had told them that he had five years left. He did not. A few days after returning home from their world tour, Morgan's father was admitted to the ER. He passed away at age forty-seven. His mother slipped into a very deep depression. Morgan lost both of his parents that day. It only got worse for Morgan. Throughout his teen years, he had to manage a very busy lifestyle. He went to school, ran track there, worked two jobs, took gymnastics and martial arts, and took care of his mother. He barely got time for himself. When he did though, he learned some things. He learned that he liked to wear dresses and skirts, and he didn't care what anyone else thought. He learned that he didn't care the gender of others. He learned guitar and to sing. He rarely took care of himself but through multiple doctor's visits, he was diagnosed with insomnia, anorexia, depression, OCD, and anxiety disorder. He wouldn't let it get him down though; he just focused on helping others. Even though he didn't have much time, he dedicated some to volunteering at children's hospitals and other such places. [color=7bcdc8][h3]Misc[/h3][/color] -He does not care the gender of those he dates -He is a vegetarian -He is lactose intolerant -He likes to wear skirts and dress (and other "feminine" clothing) -He got the name "Soon" because he'd always put off on things in school and at work -He listens to chill music, usually with guitar in it [/center][/hider]