[@LadyinInk] Gray looked at the worksheet when it was placed in front of her. This was a subject she knew, so she just started as soon as Ms. Rancine was gone. She knew this stuff, just didn't care for it. She finished up the normal questions and looked at the bonus. Tides? Really? This was something they should have already known since Elementary. Whatever. She did and wrote down, 'The tides are highest at midnight whent the moon is at its highest and the effect is that a large majority of the beach or surrounding area is covered in water. Tides are at their lowest at noon, when the sun is at its highest, and the effect is that many marine life is left beached.' Then at the bottom of the page she put, '*Sorry about the comment before. I also quite like the idea of a hike or something like that for a class trip. P.S. I could suggest a great many great dating simulators if you are ever in the mood.'