[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/er5FgrY.png[/img] [h3]Grimm Studies[/h3] [@Write] [@Azereiah] [@Ryonara][/center] Skye had no idea what was going on between Ben and Bianca. She noticed [i]something[/i] subtle happening between them, but she could only guess at what it could be. [i]I wonder if Ben and Bianca are in a romantic relationship? She looked pretty depressed until he sat with her, and they are smiling at each other a lot. Hmm. Is it wise for Hunters to become romantically involved? That doesn't sound like it would be a good idea considering the risks and complications. But I suppose it must happen anyway, emotions don't always take us down the smart path, do they? No. Definitely not.[/i] She had innumerable memories she could turn to to remind herself of that last fact. [i]I'm probably making assumptions again, anyway. It's not really any of my business, either.[/i] She did not even consider that the two had just met. She put her sidetracked thoughts aside and turned back to Ashe, focusing again on the conversation they had begun with Yue. Ashe said something unexpected about Skye being 'cool'; something she couldn't exactly say about herself but it made her feel better. Furthermore her secret faunus friend helped smooth over the increasingly annoying mask issue with Yue, making things much easier on all of them. [b]"It's true, thank you Ashe."[/b] She smiled and inclined her head in gratitude, then added a bit more information to hopefully put Yue more at ease. [b]"I should be fine in the next week or two? Maybe less? I'm not sure how long these things take."[/b] With the hard part out of the way she became quiet, content to listen as everyone talked. She was surprised to hear Ashe was without a team even though she had passed some kind of entrance examination the day before. She did empathize with the 'fish out of water comment, though, and it looked like it was the same for Yue, despite having been a student for a few days. Skye had been placed with Team Jumpercable almost immediately following her sudden acceptance early this very morning, without any kind of exam like Ashe spoke of. [i]Why is it different for Ashe? Are there just no openings right now? Does it normally take more time to place a new arrival in a team than it did with me? I'm starting to feel more and more like some kind of exception... But why would I be? Come to think of it, didn't Luke mention someone else had been transfered from the team just before I was placed?[/i] The more she thought about it the more uncomfortable it made her feel, but she kept her thoughts to herself. Skye was shocked and impressed to hear that Ashe knew firsthand how to capture Grimm, and she even made it sound easy. While the concept Ashe explained was decidedly simple Skye knew that any face to face encounter with the Grimm could be deadly, and was never to be considered an easy task. Unless one were a Hunter, perhaps. Although she knew next to nothing about Ashe's abilities Skye felt the girl was definitely Hunter material. [b]"Oh, classes? I asked for Physical Education and Dust Applications, so I'll be in your sixth period class."[/b] She answered, remembering how difficult it had been to choose her fourth and especially fifth period courses. On one hand she could really benefit from Armory Class, possibly build a weapon that wouldn't break when she tried to use it. But at the same time she had a proven method to fight and kill Grimm already, without a weapon. And the more she knew about Grimm, their anatomy, habits, strengths, and weaknesses the faster and more efficiently she could kill them. Or simply survive them. As for fifth period Survival Class... She doubted she would gain much from a first year course. More importantly now that she had the choice she felt she could use a break from concerning herself with survival every day. Of course, Physical Education came with its own challenges considering how her body worked with all the Dust embedded inside. At least the choice of Dust Applications had been a no brainer, and Ashe would be there, too. When the matter of the Professor's absence arose Skye looked up, perplexed. Now that it was mentioned it did seem odd. She supposed Bianca might know if anyone did, so she turned to ask her teammate. [b]"Um, Bianca? The professor, is he-"[/b] The question died on her lips as professor Port made his appearance at just that moment. [b]Oh. N-nevermind...[/b] She laughed nervously as the stout man launched into a spirited greeting and explanation of what they would be doing in class today. She followed the middle aged man with the rest of the class, noting with a sinking feeling that she had no idea what a Megaladeus or a Riesen class was. If she was lucky those were just technical terms for things she had already encountered. If not... [i]Then again, does it matter what they're called? It's not like we had any textbooks or time to study the Grimm we came across out there. I'll learn the names in due time, I'm sure.[/i] She stayed facing the caged creatures as she departed the classroom, very reluctant to have to just leave them here. The rule she was used to was that once a Grimm was aware of you it was unthinkable to just leave it alive. But that did not apply here and eventually she had to force herself to let it go, grating nerves or not. In the end those nerves were nothing compared to the reaction she felt upon seeing the monstrosity in the next room. She did not charge forward like she instinctually had with the other, smaller Grimm. This beast was the kind you avoided or ran from. Or it would be if she was alone, out in the wild. Here, as professor Port explained, the students would band together to fight and kill this thing. This was to train them how to kill one of these monsters, not just hide or escape. [i]That's right. That's what Hunters do. That's what makes them different.[/i] She focused on the few good memories she had and forced herself to relax. Just like yesterday and countless times before that there would be only one option. [i]Face the demon in front of you with everything you have and no hesitation.[/i] It was somewhat different this time, however. She hadn't had this many people at her back since first escaping the decimation of her home, and never this many competent warriors armed so well. And then there was professor Port himself, there to take control of the situation if it got out of hand. She doubted it would come to that, though. It wasn't just their numbers and armaments, but the fact that they had five whole minutes to assess the creature and the environment and make plans. This was another luxury Skye was unused to having. Considered all at once this whole situation was beginning to feel sureal to her. To be able to stand in the presence of a Grimm this size and know with certainty it would be defeated... she had never felt something like this in her life. It felt good. She sought out Bianca once more, veiwing the girl as her senior teammate and therefor the one to decide what Skye did in this battle. [b]"Bianca. What do you want me to do?"[/b]