You know what sucks? Jail. You know what sucks more? Inquisitor Jail. You know what sucks the most? Fighting back when a guard beats you up and then getting fucking ganked by 5 more rushing to the guy's aid. [i]could have taken them too, if I had some better food and some sort of bed,[/i] the now bruised and battered Abe thinks for at least the eighth time since being shoved into one of the solitary cells, too much of a "danger" to be in with the larger groups right now. That was the real frustrating bit here - there was no one to talk to! The water pooling in his cell also sucked, but that was more or less expected at this point, really. Still, it would be so much better if something - anything was happening. Well. Maybe not another visit from an Inquisitor. he shudders.