[hider=Tahp Gundo][center][img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/inoubattlewanichijoukeinonakade/images/9/92/Hajime_full_view.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/260?cb=20150208183009[/img] [color=#A9A9A9]"No matter what stands before me, no matter whose dreams I must crush... I shall reach the top!"[/color][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Tahp Gundo [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Gender[/b]: Cis-male [b]Personality[/b]: Tahp can be described as "determined, yet very eccentric". Since hitting his father, Tahp has forgone any attempts at normalcy and decided to embrace himself while he tries to achieve his one true desire. He can only really hold a normal conversation when speaking of his few hobbies but even then, he finds it very difficult to pick up on the subtlties that accompany typical conversation. Social cues tend to fly right by him, so one must be very literal when speaking to him. He is also not very consistant with how he acts, so good luck figuring out how to deal with him for more than a few minutes at a time, if that. He gets angry at the drop of a hat and lightens up just as fast, he is stubborn and will not change his mind once it has been made up, except when he feels like it, and he has a habit of howling when he gets enraged. He doesn't seem to exactly care about other people and finds it hard to trust people, although given his life up until now that's probably somewhat justifiable. He can be a bit sadistic when dealing with threats but otherwise does not care much for violence. This trait is immediately nullified if someone has insulted or is believed to have insulted his sense of style. A very unstable man at best. [b]History[/b]: Tahp could not say he was born to a kind, caring family. In fact, it was much the opposite. His father was abusive and sadistic, to the point of beating his wife and pushing her down the stairs when she was pregnant. It did not help that his mother had absolutely no backbone whatsoever and was disgustingly submissive. There was not even respite in his older brother, whom took after his father. Tahp shared abuse from both his father and his brother, and his mother always turned a blind eye to save herself where she could. He was told from the time he could understand and perhaps even before that that he was worthless and weak and that he should know his place. His father brought home the money and his brother held down the fort, that is why they were superior, or so they said. His brother especially liked tripping him on the steps of his house and smugly looking down on him. He grew up submissive, just like his mother and once it was found out that he was a pushover, not even school was a safe place for him. Bullies would beat him up and tease him. He would be shoved down on the playground and they would even stand at the top of the steps to the jungle gym and deny him access. To say his earlier life was difficult would be quite the understatement, and it did not seem to get much better even when he grew into a young adult. By this point, he had learned to be quiet and kind when he could so as not to cause trouble with others even though it always managed to find him. He was not exactly normal or socially adjusted. He could keep on a face that allowed one to believe he was normal, yet his mental state was fragile and he could not keep an actual conversation to save his life, which meant he knew not the feeling of having a friend and if he talked too much, people would avoid him. His only hobbies included reading about home design, reading manga, and watching movies a decade or two older than him. Yet despite this, fate seemed unwilling to let up in its assault. Tahp thought about a career in home design but needed to work to keep his father placated so he took many side jobs while he worked towards such a career. He tried his best to keep his reputation good, but many times he was fired for scaring people, usually customers. However, it wasn't always his fault he was fired. In an act of cruelty one could probably only seen in any manga about bullying, Tahp was fired because his boss simply did not like him. Worst yet, he was told this while generously assisting said boss move to his new apartment on the second story of a complex. Tahp wasn't even halfway down the staircase when he was offhandedly told "You're fired, by the way." His heart dropped, but Tahp managed to turn around and look up to the owner and ask why. "Because I can. Because I'm your boss and I don't like you." It probably wasn't legal to do something like that, but it wasn't like Tahp cared at this point. When he got home and told his father this horrible news, the man obviously snapped and went to hit Tahp. However, unlike before, Tahp did not allow his father to do such a thing. Instead, he let out a howl, perhaps at the realization that humanity's arrogance would never change and that the weak would always be preyed on, and evaded the blow. With a single, rage-filled punch, Tahp knocked his father out and stormed out of the house, never looking back or returning. It should be noted, however, he only currently lives about five minutes from his parent's house. He has been on and off of many different jobs, most of which require little to no interaction with other people and are mostly physical, so he's been getting really fit and he even has a subscription to the local gym, so he can indeed "lift" more than an average guy. He often starts fights with random thugs in alleyways since they comment on his choice of clothing 9 times out of 10, so there's that, too. [b]Skills[/b]: He is very physically fit and has great stamina. Knows his way around a fight and can beat children through skillful employment of punching, but also adults when he has to. Has knowledge about various manga/anime/older american movies and is oddly keen on details pertaining to home creation. Is capable of wearing clothing that turns heads for all the wrong reasons. Other: Yes.[/hider]