[b]Interlude[/b] [i]A Word on Bravos - From Picturesque Places and Puerile People Vol 3 - Adolfus Kriger Altdorf Press Much unnecessary ink has been spilled over the years over the institution of Tillean Bravos. All nations have the various assorted scum who kill for coin of course but none elevate them to quite so unnecessary a level of foolish romanticism as the Tileans. This is not surprising as the various principalities of that arrogant nation are rarely able to muster the effort to raise any actual disciplined state troops, and consequently rely on motley bands of mercenaries and desperadoes. Tilean's love to tell tales of these so called Bravos to anyone who can listen. It rises to the level of a national past time to sharp gullible foreigners. Consider the tales of Condoteri Scola, supposed secret schools which train mercenaries and assassins. Although they appear with what one might describe as monotonous regularity in fiction and drama, there has never been a documented case of one existing. The stories of assassins and spies are all so much hogswash brewed up for the amusement of travelers. Tilean's ought stick to whores and ugly artwork and leave the mystique and practice of arms to their more competent, more civilized, more genteel northern neighbors. [/i]