Cyrdic had been born for the rough road, inexorably marching forward through the rainy and dreary days the two had traveled. However, even his spirits were somewhat dampened by their treasure haul having diminished quite rapidly. He almost couldn't believe it, and had a sneaking suspicion that much of it had been lost at the bottom of the River Reik that fateful night not a week ago. He was just about to suggest they invest what they had left in the Marienburg bank. He'd heard it was surprisingly popular, and a reliable place to keep one's money. However, his thoughts escaped him as a black coach hurtled toward them like a Knight on a charger, and Cyrdic dived flat onto the side of the road next to Camilla, mud and wet sticking to them. "[i]By Sigmar's hammer[/i]," he seethed, whipping back up onto his rump and glaring at the coach that skidded across the loose stones on the road. To say Cyrdic was never mad would be a gross inaccuracy, but most of the time his anger was a fierce battle-rage. This particular instance, he just seemed pissed for more than a few moments. He calmed somewhat after they both stood up, however, and he made sure nothing was loose from his person. "Yeah..." he agreed when Camilla made her observation. He sighed, and brushed himself off. "Let's go see what we can find. Good food and a warm bed, first off." It took them less than five minutes to make it to the gate in the district Ostmuur. The doors were close to closing, or so the guards had claimed. He doubted they'd shut the doors, regardless. The road from the gate dipped in a decline, straight into the distract. And as Cyrdic and Camilla stepped into the gate and past the walls, it looked like they had stepped into another world entirely. The forests and mud were gone, and below them was a very Imperial looking sector, though the odd architecture and the mingling foreigners were certainly different. Past the buildings, Cyrdic and Camilla could see sails lazily waving like distant trees in the swiftly darkening sky, and the river Riek spilling into the Mannaansport Sea was something that brought a sense of wonder to the Northern Ostlander. He might have enjoyed the site if he hadn't nearly died and splattered with mud. Three blocks down and the glinting lanterns of the streets had just been lit. Cyrdic had his cloak wrapped around his muscled form, keeping an eye out for Inns while Camilla looked for pick-pockets. Luckily, Cyrdic's search came to fruition once they found a three story building with a widely spaced porch, named [i]Taal's Rest[/i]. It had a very crude sign of a tree, and quite the inaccurate picture of the God himself next to the name. Cyrdic snorted, but it didn't stop him from heading into the building without hesitation. He just hoped the prices weren't as ridiculous as the sale's pitch. [@Penny]