[center][h1][color=lemonchiffon]EPISODE V: Apollex[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Apollex felt a tap on her shoulder and nearly jumped out of her skin. She swung a bony arm and tried to thwack Polarity Man ([@WXer]) on the head. She spun around (albeit slowly and with a creak) and gasped as she saw who it was. [color=lemonchiffon]"Lawrence! You're here!"[/color] She gaped, opening a floppy jaw as she trembled ever so slightly on the spot. He looked like he was trying to pull her back from her yearning to help Rookie. As she looked into his eyes she could guess what he was thinking. [color=lemonchiffon]"I AM NOT A LIABILITY!"[/color]She screeched and then slapped another hand over her mouth. [color=lemonchiffon]"God, I'm so sorry, I'm not like that I swear. It's these FUDGING STUPID ELDERLY HORMONES!"[/color] Apollex was clearly getting distraught and she didn't know why. She ran her fingers through her hair and creased her forehead in worry. [i]Cmon Lexi, calm down. Get out of the battlefield, you can't help anyway.[/i] She pounded at her head with her wrinkled hands. God she wanted to help them. She really did. But she couldn't because she was so old. And here was Polarity Man offering to lead her to safety. She can't refuse that can she? [color=lemonchiffon]"Fine. Lawrence, take me out of here. But I need to help so if there's anything important you tell me immediately okay? Please?"[/color] Apollex was pleased to find that her pleading voice hasn't changed. Boys bending to her will since 1999. She hooked an arm through his and gave an uneasy smile. She hoped she didn't look like his grandma.