[center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/699125abe3b3440ca4ad3826fa436429/tumblr_ou6bakcaqI1rhx5m2o1_250.jpg[/img] [h2]Zeiss Calavan[/h2][/center] [hr] [@Override] Zeiss and Arthur simply watched the man take point and they followed along, Zeiss being particularly irked by the way he snorted at her; [color=FFE4B5][i]just because you are a stronger being doesn't mean you can talk to me on equal standing.[/i][/color] Zeiss positioned herself to the right of Arthur in case she needed to duck out of his way when they eventually meet up with more of the cursed. Zeiss had been in both her element and outside of it, a rich environment for learning but also quite dangerous; just like any day in the workshop. Still holding her enchanted steel dagger in her right hand, she pulled out a notepad and blue pen from her original handbag to start jotting down notes on the inspiration that she had gotten from when she had talked to that chronicler. [color=FFE4B5][i]His carnival experience is something that I didn't expect from him, but at the very least it made for an intriguing story. The idea of freedom being born out of the gifts they were given as supernatural beings is not something special, but the way that the world view-[/i][/color] [color=ADFF2F]"Isa, is it very wise to be taking such arbitrary notes? We're in the middle of a battlefield; you can at least focus on the task at hand,"[/color] Arthur suddenly interjected, again having that worried look on his face. Zeiss was starting to get annoyed with that expression; she's not a pet that had to be taken care of. [color=FF7F50]"I'm not afraid of being bitten; I'm sure you big, strong men know how to protect one little lady. I don't think I really have to explain myself, the train of thought I just lost because of you is probably worth your weight in gold if I actually had a breakthrough, so why don't you zip it and do what you are good at, and fight."[/color] Arthur sighed, this time out of annoyance; he couldn't really argue with her words but they still bothered him. It was then that they heard the building rumble. Zeiss watched as the buliding internally exploded with bursts of static and the smell of ozone, Warlocks streaming with electricity around them. It didn't make sense for them to be able to use it so freely; that was more in line with what Wizards can do. Then she saw the runes across their wrists and hands, marked with blood as they have carved it into themselves; they were using their own nerve signals as a conduit of amplification. Their hands twitched erratically and began to cackle from the tingling sensation. Rather than arming herself immediately, she watched Jackson, being able to see a Darkling fight up close was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Moreover, she was valuable in this situation; being a Witch she was the only one who knew how to break the curse without any possible side effects. She watched the she saw red lightning, destruction magic, be projected into a shield to intercept the opponent's and bolts of his demonic energy surged out to pierce his foes. She stared in awe as he did the same to the rabid Lycan, its fur singed from both Jackson and its fellow cursed as its body feel to the ground decapitated. [color=FFE4B5][i]That red bolt has to be the concentration of the demon's energy; it is possible to be of a different consistency than lightning? Or is the material inheritly chaotic and when it's in a concentrated shield it's more like bonding the energy together like how water vapor and condense into droplets of water? Would it have to be red or is it based on the demon's preference? Or were demons born with different colors other than red? How effective is the extent of its offense and likewise for its defense? Does it-[/i][/color] [color=ADFF2F]"Witch, behind you!"[/color] yelled Arthur as a vampire had managed to flank them and dashed toward Zeiss. She dodged at first, the vampire sailing over her head and before turning to charge again. She could see Arthur coming to aid her, but she had enough of his chivalrous and irritating act. She tossed her hair behind her back and took out an expendable knife, it being made of rusty metal with a wooden handle. [color=FF7F50]"What a very rude vampire; I'm trying to STUDY!"[/color] she drove the knife into its eye as it lunged at her as she thought the incantation; [color=FFE4B5][i]'Ani Rae Isa!'[/i][/color] The vampire was now stuck in time and space, frozen in midair to the world around it. She sighed from having to expend energy on it, grabbing her notepad and pen off the floor from when she ducked and got on top of the vampire's frozen form; it'll be like this for as long as she liked and it was a good way to look over the street. She could see Arthur's baffled face and smirked. [color=FF7F50]"What's wrong, Arthur Caufield? Surprised a woman can take care of herself?[/color] The druid smiled instead, feeling his two handed great sword shake in his grip from noticing the unknown magic, [color=ADFF2F]"Not at all; in fact, as I don't have to worry about you, I can focus on the task at hand!"[/color] Zeiss watched as the man blitzed toward the wave of infected, his skin suddenly shining with a iron gleam. His footsteps sounded heavier and heavier, cracking the pavement as magic bolts pinged off his skin and Lycan and vampire alike couldn't scratch or bite through him. He threw the few who tried to get past him back into the crowd that had started to surround him then held his sword out in front of him. Darting his eyes around, he saw only Lycans, vampires, and warlocks. Good; Jackson had said there weren't many druids in the cities and the wizards weren't here. It was time to enact justice. The air began to hum and become harsher as Arthur turned his body slowly as if to gather all the energy in the air. Then, with a quick slash, he called out the name of his blade: [color=ADFF2F]"By the condor's wings, Caledgwynt!"[/color] It was as if a tornado had suddenly touched down. All the cursed were blown into the sky, screaming and hollering before landing on rooftops, the buildings they came from, and the hard stone street way, paralyzed from the shock of air deprivation and the disorientation of suddenly moving at 120 mph. The stone wasn't too kind to them either, crippling their arms and legs as the hero of justice walked among the neaby bodies and stabbed each of their heads to ease their pain with his cold steel blade. Arthur looked pleased with himself as Zeiss stared flabbergasted from her perch above her frozen vampire; she really was surrounded by the strongest Darkworld had to offer. She would have ran if she didn't know that that would cause the most suspicion. Instead, her nervousness came out as a simple, [color=FF7F50]"Holy shit."[/color]