[@Aristo] Maybe I didn't word that well. The main point is to give players clarity, to get rid of the pesky question, 'is my character able to do this?' Let's just say everyone starts at 1 point in STR, DEX, and END, which equates to that of an average human. That means they can do everything you might expect from an average person, but no more. As those numbers raise, it will affect their performance in respective fields, so players will be able to understand their limitations and thus, will be able to think of ways to work around them. It would allow for a clear sense of danger or threat, as no character will be strong in all areas. Hence, teamwork. And don't worry about numbers interrupting the narrative. Maybe a rock needs like 2 STR to push, and your character lacks it. If so, it will [i]always[/i] be told naturally through the story. Also, there won't be traits like INT and stuff, because... well, I think it's kinda dumb. How smart or tactical they are, how they interact with other characters, and their personality, I want that to be up for you to decide.