[color=a2d39c]Curtis growls at being called ugly and starts walking towards Percy. His steps were slow and he finally stopped himself content with the man already having two broken arms. "You just shut up and stay here." Curt growled, he turned his focus to the now standing Goliath. He had started his advance before stopping at the sound of horrid cackling, [i]what the hell.[/i] Curt's head twitched and he turned back to Percy, "The ol' ficking? Give it your best sho-." Curt was cut off by Percy's sudden coughing of blood. Curtis watched the man shrivel and age rapidly, the look on his face would look strange to others but to Curtis. It was a mixture of disgust and horror, [i]What the fuck?![/i] Curt then pivoted to look at the now roaring shadow demon. He had little time to react as the howling beast had already sent an attack his way. He moved as fast as he could trying to duck or at least angle his back plates to take the brunt of the hit. [i]Are my scales actually strong enough to take this hit?[/i] Doubt filled his mind and he was ready for whatever pain he was about to feel. At least he thought he was [i]This is going to suck...[/i] The drill would more than likely tear through his hide and rip into his flesh quite easily, but his back scales are much more durable. possibly holding the drill off for a few moments. [/color]