[b][color=gray]A P P E A R A N C E[/color][/b] [hr] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/37000000/Kano-Shuuya-kano-shuuya-37003831-754-621.png[/img] His back is adorned with a pair of large iridescent insectoid wings capable of flight, and a large pair of incredibly sharp and strong retractable mandibles are contained within his mouth, causing his cheeks to bulge slightly. They both cause him occasional pain when used, as they're not supposed to be where they are. [b][color=gray]N A M E[/color][/b] [hr]Gavin MacAllistair III [color=gray][b]A G E[/b][/color] [hr]18 [color=gray][b]B I O[/b][/color] [hr]To sum it up right quick, Gavin lived a pretty damn typical life. He was born and raised on 13 Skirving Street in Glasgow, Scotland, to a pair of Scottish parents. He speaks with a distinctly Scottish accent. His family moved to a moderately affluent neighborhood in America, and he had a relatively normal adolescence. After graduation from high school, he ended up pretty strapped for cash. After hearing about some sort of medical program that offered a pretty chunky sum of cash, he shrugged and said "Why not?" And that's how that went. He woke up with bulging, uncomfortable mandibles in his mouth, and clicking, iridescent wings on his back. So that threw a wrench into his college experience. Only after he staggered away from his hospital bed, muscles atrophied by months of inactivity, did he discover that his parents had died a few days before his augmentation began. As yet, he does not know how. He's now a horrified, traumatized mess, trying to deal with both the unexpected fusion of his DNA and the unexpected death of both his parents. [b][color=gray]A N I M A L[/color][/b] [hr]Dragonfly