[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IbEDpnY.png[/img] [color=CF5300][h3]Grimm Studies 1001101[/h3] [sub][@Suku][@Guess Who][@Awesomoman64][/sub][/color][/center][hr] Llyr couldn't help but chuckle after Robbie's magnificent job as Trad's Hypeman. He could tell that the two were close friends, but the squid thought that telling another person about their semblance wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do. Not that he was going to think much of it, they were all friends here, right? Possibly~ [color=CF5300]"I'm like a surprise party, you never know what you'll see nor will you know why. Ever~!"[/color] He responded with a smirk. He turned to Cian who had recently recovered from their fantastic dance number. She was a good dance partner, or at least that's what he surmised. [color=CF5300]"Now now, my fair lady. It's not a fun surprise if I tell you every time~"[/color], he laughed, giving her another pat on the head. By this time, a rather plump old man walked into the classroom. Definitely the teacher.. What was his name again? Dock? Pier? Jetty..? Harbour. It must be Harbour. This Chatsworth fellow must be a great friend to help create such an extension for a classroom. The Dionaea looked rather menacing. Llyr could distinctly remember the last time he saw one of these things. Unfortunately he was a small cephalopod at the time so he couldn't do anything other than hide and then run away. Well, now was a better time than any to see if his tentacles were stronger than theirs. His gaze moved back to Trad as he came back with a plan. Llyr's eyes quickly flit around the room before they came back to Trad. [color=CF5300]"We have many friends here, drawing attention will be troublesome for you~"[/color], he replied ominously as the Steel Cephalopod slowly crept out of his back like a stalking predator. The heads of each appendage changed form from grapples to blades in a very erratic fashion as he turned away again. [color=CF5300]"Mother always said to eat your vegetables. Does a plant Grimm count~?"[/color] he wondered in a tone that anyone would attribute to a melodic madman. He licked his lips in anticipation as he faced the Grimm in the box. Llyr's cane was planted into the ground in front of him, both hands resting on it's head. Some could liken his stance to be similar to the [url=https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/e/e1/Ozpin_ProfilePic.png/revision/latest?cb=20151116164836]Headmaster's[/url], except with a more cocky expression. His appendages shifting and moving like they were going to malfunction or something. He felt the excitement building up among his peers. [color=CF5300] [i]'How would you like it?'[/i] [i]'Frenched is fine. Frenched is very fine.'[/i] [i]'Really? I'd prefer it dead.'[/i][/color]