[@DeadDrop] [@tfd] And my character is done as well: [hider=VV] [center][h2][color=ffcc00][b]Vivian "VV" Blake[/b][/color][/h2][/center][hr][center][color=ffcc00][i]"We are all mad here, some of us are just more open about it..."[/i][/color][/center][hr][color=ffcc00][b]LOOKS[/b][/color] [color=808080]While VV doesn't have a distinguished appearance, sporting no tattoos, piercings, or bodily alterations that are so ubiquitous in the modern society, it's also not fair to say that she's a plain girl. In fact, her moderate height and build, along with her slightly wavy, long, light brown/cream colored hair and hazel eyes give her a jovial appearance, making VV look a year or two younger than she really is. Perhaps, the only peculiar characteristic of VV's appearance is a knife scar over her left eye. VV's taste in clothing is surprisingly girly for someone of her path in life. She prefers to wear simple clothes like a school uniform-like blouse and miniskirt ensemble, along with an urban camo print scarf and stockings/pantyhose to protect her legs. Topping her ensemble, VV nearly always wears a hooded jacket and lots of military-style accessories like belts and bandoliers. Finally, VV has a great liking of wearing a gas mask nearly at all times, mainly for intimidation, which is why she had it painted with a stylized skull pattern. Her favorite colors are black/dark gray, yellow/orange and white, forming a very high contrast style.[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]PSYCHE[/b][/color] [color=808080]VV is a sadistic bitch. Or better, it would be more accurate to say that she's a complete psychopath without the least shred of humanity in her. One would normally expect that as a result of heavy usage of cybernetics, but the truth is that VV is 100% human up to this day. At least in her body, her mind is another story. VV will usually try to have fun with her victims, torturing people just to get her kicks and use as much violence as needed, and some more, without any remorse for lives lost or damage caused by her actions. Nevertheless, she's not completely unfettered, just cold and uncaring to anyone who is not her beloved sister, who VV protects to the best of her ability.[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]HEAT[/b][/color] [color=808080]Low, but prone to rise easily, given VV's position as the heavy hitter among their group. It's obvious that the authorities and competitors won't like someone with both the guns, the training and the disposition to cause lots of damage without remorse.[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]STREET CRED[/b][/color] [color=808080]As good as that of her work mates, except that VV's sadistic personality isn't very known around yet. It's not uncommon to have a dumb grunt or two come mess up with her because of VV's, fairly cute looks, only to have a hand broken. Oh, and God help you if the target of such unwanted attention is her sister.[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]THE STORY[/b][/color] [color=808080]VV's story isn't very full of mystery or twists. She was born in a less than privileged situation, just like her precious sister. The big difference between them is the fact that, from early in her life, VV already displayed signs of not being the most mentally stable person in their household. Things would take a turn for the worse once their parents decided that VV was too dangerous to have around and sent her to an orphanage. Little did they know, or perhaps they did but not care, that the place was known for exploring children in every possible way. Child labor in dangerous conditions with virtually no pay, prostitution, organ harvesting, etc. Name a bad thing that can be done to a child and chances are that you would find it there. Being the psycho that she's, VV wasn't ever good at labor and too dangerous to use as a sex slave. In fact, the very first time they tried that, she killed her "client", choked with a power chord. After this, they decided to sell VV to a paramilitary group, where she would be used as a child soldier, as well as suffer some other abuses. The last important turn on VV's life, up to now, would happen on the day when she got her hands on an old newspaper strip that had a picture of a certain rocker girl that VV immediately recognized as her long estranged sister. After a bit of planning, she escaped from her previous camp, travelled all the way back to Night City and, as they say, the rest is history...[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]ARMED IN THE ONE AND TWENTY[/b][/color] [indent] [color=ffcc00][b]▶[/b][/color] [color=808080]H&K MPK-11 [12mm SMG][/color] [color=ffcc00][b]Cost:[/b][/color] [color=808080]700 eb[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]▶[/b][/color] [color=808080]Federated Arms X-9mm [9mm Pistol][/color] [color=ffcc00][b]Cost:[/b][/color] [color=808080]300 eb[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]▶[/b][/color] [color=808080]Knife x2[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]Cost:[/b][/color] [color=808080]20 eb[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]▶[/b][/color] [color=808080]Gas Mask [1+4 spare filters][/color] [color=ffcc00][b]Cost:[/b][/color] [color=808080]240 eb[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]▶[/b][/color] [color=808080]Heavy Armor Jacket[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]Cost:[/b][/color] [color=808080]250 eb[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]▶[/b][/color] [color=808080]Striptape Binders [12 units][/color] [color=ffcc00][b]Cost:[/b][/color] [color=808080]5 eb[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]▶[/b][/color] [color=808080]Duraweave Stockings[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]Cost:[/b][/color] [color=808080]105 eb[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]▶[/b][/color] [color=808080]Spare Ammo [Medium Pistol 50, Heavy SMG 150][/color] [color=ffcc00][b]Cost:[/b][/color] [color=808080]69 eb[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]▶[/b][/color] [color=808080]SMG Silencer[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]Cost:[/b][/color] [color=808080]100 eb[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]▶[/b][/color] [color=808080]Pistol Holster x2 [One for VV and one for Erin][/color] [color=ffcc00][b]Cost:[/b][/color] [color=808080]40 eb[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]▶[/b][/color] [color=808080]Shoulder Sling x2 [One for VV and one for Erin][/color] [color=ffcc00][b]Cost:[/b][/color] [color=808080]10 eb[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]▶[/b][/color] [color=808080]Spare Ammo for Erin [Light Pistol/SMG 150][/color] [color=ffcc00][b]Cost:[/b][/color] [color=808080]45 eb[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]Total:[/b][/color] [color=808080]1884 eb[/color] [color=ffcc00][b]Spare:[/b][/color] [color=808080]116 eb[/color] [/indent] [color=ffcc00][b]...AND THE REST[/b][/color] [color=808080]N/A[/color][hr] [/hider]