As soon as the boy bolted past the guards, making them sufficiently distracted, Emara was on the move. She jumped from the tree to the wall of the manor, crouching there for a moment before dropping to the ground. She wanted to stay high, nobody ever looked up after all, but she had to go low to get inside the door. The hooded thief ran to the door and kept going, footsteps almost completely silent. From there, the decorations covering the wall were an easy way up to a thief's best friend, the support beams. Fancy houses like this needed them due to the way they were built, unintentionally making them easy targets for anybody with any skill in the art of thieving. The sure footed girl moved quickly across the top staying behind the boy, close enough that if things went south, she could use a surprise attack. Her left hand stayed on the hilt of the dagger she wore at her hip. She knew that she had to save the girl, but at the same time, something told her that they were both important and she shouldn't let the boy die either. It would be easy to do though, she had relations to this boy, leaving him here to die while she went to rescue Katherine wouldn't bother her in the slightest. But she just had this weird feeling that they both needed to stay alive.