[@pyroman] Once they were given authorization to let loose, Heidi uncharacteristically started storming straight forward, ditching her 'scared French girl' persona and actually looking angry. A guard approached her with a baton and swung it, though Heidi grabbed the man's arm, turned on her exoskeleton and punched him in the chest, knocking him back with such force that he had made a crater in the concrete wall he'd smashed against. Three guards all tried to apprehend her at once, and she avoided the swings of all three with total ease as she systematically started delivering blows to their heads and necks, aiming to knock out instead of kill. They reached the office and confronted the president of this company, and the adults needed no help from the students to pacify him. In fact, so far, they could have done this whole thing themselves, which was worrying Heidi. Something very bad must be on the horizon. Hearing the president speak a very similar philosophy to her own unnerved and angered the Scottish teen in equal measure and she leaned over his desk at him. "How is this helping anyone? You're locking mutants away, and running tests of them? Why do you even want to figure out the X-gene if it's so dangerous. You just want power and control to yourself. You don't care about society. You don't care about helping create a world where everybody's happy and safe. Because those young mutants back there? They'ere not happy. Or safe." Heidi, in the back of her mind, was beginning to wonder if her inclusion on this mission wasn't because it would fail without her, but simply to put her face to face with this man. Maybe they need to change the opinions of her future self. Heidi did not imagine her plans for the future would go down well with the majority of mutantkind, but seeing this man didn't change them. It only made them stronger.